Blind Date madness

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Im a hairstylist assistant.I get mocked around my bosses and other hair assistants.
Sometimes..i get sick and tired of them and go outside

Today,new customers came in.THEY ARE MY OLD MIDDLE SCHOOL FRIENDS!
Along with a girl that looked a bit bossy
I asked her where she got her hair done.
"Ugh...i got it done at horgets in busan."
She rolled her eyes.

I told her..
"Then why are u here when u got ur hair done?!?"

She looked at me with a glare and said
"My friends here(my middle school friends)
Needs advice.

I couldn't help but to just roll my eyes at her.

They are done with their hair and went outside waving goodbye(except dat girl)

Megan(mean girl)

I got my hair done and now time for my blind date with my bffs.
I went and saw three hot boys(except for the nerdy one)
Was waiting at a table.its perfect coz my two bffs are there....except one more.
We sat at the table and fished my phone out of my
Chanel purse and called kimHoseok.

She said she couldn't make it and im forced to
Call the girl(me)at the hair salon.


Y/N P.O.V.

Im done with all my job and my phone suddenly rang.
I picked up and saw the name
Young jae at my phone.
I almost hesitated to pick up.

it was her inviting me to a blind date...

m not sure about that.
But i had no choice to go...


Megan P.O.V.

"Cmon lets pick our dates!" I stated.
"Hana ,Dul ,Set"
We point at each other and we soon realised that
Each of us has pointed each other to be our dates.
We went out leaving the nerdy boy.


Y/N P.O.V.


"Oh gosh im gonna be late im gonna be late!"
I went to a restaurant and saw a boy at a table.
He looks cute...wait....he's....JIMIN!?!?!?!?

I peaked out the window and he was left at the table
Shedding a tear

A/N:sorry for the late update pls comment and follow for more stories bout the meantime..send me a PIC of jimin looking nerdy in the comments.the best PIC will
Be shown in my story!

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