11. Seeing ronald

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Dear Hermione and Draco,

We wanted to apologize for Ron's behavior last night. He really got out of hand last night, and to put it frankly, was scary. I guess we saw what happened when grudges go to far. Normally we would send Ron over to apologize for himself, but we think it can be agreed upon that he wouldn't do so willingly. Well, also because he has a wicked hangover since after we revived him, he decided to drown his sorrow with Firewiskey.

If you didn't know already, Draco, but Ron has fancied Hermione for years. We're sure that he would have been mad at anyone you (Hermy) dated, but since it was you (Draco) it pushed him over the edge. We would strongly recommend that you guys don't contact him until he has calmed down. Good luck with your research Hermy, and good luck with whatever it is you're doing, Draco.

Your friends,

Harry and Ginny

P.S. We thought of baby names! Lily, if it's a girl and James if it's a boy. (That was totally Ginny's idea!) (Hey, you agreed to it!) (Hey, stop hitting me!) (Oh, stop complaining!)

I finished reading the letter to Draco as he devoured, though politely, a stack of French toast. Sighing, I dropped the letter onto the table.

"Who knew Weasely would go mental over a girl?" Draco asked rhetorically. I scoffed.

"Don't call him that, call him Ron. Maybe then he'll call you Draco." He shrugged. I drenched my meal in syrup, just to watch the gooey substance drip down onto my plate. "He really scared me last night. I never would have thought he would try to..." Draco layered his hand over mine. It was sticky from the syrup, but I didn't care.

"Don't dwell on last night. The point is he didn't kill me. He's your friend and though what he did was, for lack of a better word, dumb, he needs you, and you need him. Don't give up on him." His face was stern, but loving.

"You've changed so much." He looked down at his plate bashfully. "You used to be such a cold bastard, but now you're so sweet and loving. And you're with me, the muggle-born? How can someone change so much?"

"When they realize they need to change." His face was earnest and truthful. His eyes were in their normal silver state. "Besides, I'm still a Slytherin Sex God, not that you would know." With that he swaggered to the bathroom, waving his butt from side to side a little to exuberantly to show he was joking. Draco had changed, it was true, but a little part of me still feared that he would leave me. I was insecure about men; I was inexperienced... in some ways more than others, if you catch my drift. So I hesitated on... that... with him. I knew he wasn't making fun of me, and wasn't angry with me, but I couldn't laugh. It just wasn't funny.

"Happy new year!" said a peppy, though sleepy, voice from the door. I turned to see my mother, already dressed in sweats. She worked out at the local gym almost every mourning. When she got a good look at my face concern swept across her sharp features. "You're worried! What happened last night?" The faucet went on in the bathroom and she looked accusingly over her shoulder at the door. "What did he do?" I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day.

"No mother, this isn't Draco's fault." I continued to pick at my food.

"Then what is it?" She padded over the tiled floor. I sighed yet again. "Stop doing that, you sound like a broken vacuum." Swirling my fork around in the syrup, I contemplated my words.

"See, I have this friend, and I've just found out that he, you know, fancies me. But I have Draco now, and I don't feel the same way about this friend. He found out last night and stormed off. I don't know what to do." Okay, he didn't storm off, but I didn't want to tell her that I knocked him out. Mom stole a bite from my plate.

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