[Chapter Seventy-Six]

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Amelia walked down the long staircase in the library until she reached the bottom. All around her were keys flying through the air with small wings attached to them. "Pick the right one Princess, and then I can finally have what I want. Pick the right one and it'll all be over."

A small chill ran down Amelia's back as she reached out and waited for one of the keys to fall into her hand. A few seconds later a small golden key with wings fell into her hand. "Perfect, now hand it over Princess so this can be all over."

Amelia hesitantly reached over toward him but stopped when she saw someone behind him. She couldn't make out who they were as a bright light fell over the figure. Just as she started to make out their face, everything went dark.

*End of dream*

Amelia woke up surprised, a small aching feeling in her stomach, one that she knew very well. "Oh no," she whispered as she frantically looked around. She could feel Senkhara's presence, but Amelia had no idea where the queen was. She had no idea that Senkhara was downstairs in the boys room, trying to figure out if Fabian was the Osirian. The person who could take the Chosen One's spot.

Amelia reached over and grabbed her journal and started to write down all the details of her recent dream. She knew she wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep until Senkhara left, so she figured she would do something useful while awake. She scribbled down everything from what her father told her, to the flying keys, to the strange figure at the end whose hand was outstretched toward her.

As Senkhara left the boys room, the small aching feeling in Amelia's stomach began to vanish. She placed her journal back on her bedside table and started to drift off to sleep, not knowing that everything around her was about to come crashing down as new revelations waited for her around the corner.


Amelia woke up the next morning and grabbed her journal, slipping it into her bag so she wouldn't forget to tell the others about her dream. She got ready for the day and then met Amber downstairs to help her gather up some snacks for Alfie and Nina. "Fabian should take them down this time during class. I don't think Mr. Sweet will let us both leave again after yesterday," Amelia laughed, reminiscing on how Mr. Sweet asked them both why it took them a half hour to go to the bathroom.

"But why does he get to go, and I don't," Amber huffed as she grabbed a muffin and stuffed it into her bag. "Because one he hasn't spoken to Nina in over a day, two I don't think Mr. Sweet will ever let us out again during class, and three he's the only other person who knows how to pick the lock on Sweetie's door." Amber let out an annoyed sigh as she zipped up her bag and sat down in her seat, a small pout on her face.

Fabian walked in a few minutes later, looking completely frazzled. He went to say something, when the others walked in, Eddie also looking like he was lost in his head. Amelia leaned over toward Fabian, causing him to slightly jump as her voice filled his ears. "Hey, are you cool with taking the food down to the others during Sweetie's class?" "What, oh yeah, yeah I can." "You okay Rutter," she asked, now slightly concerned. "Yeah, I'll tell you guys later," he whispered as Vera walked in and placed a plate of pancakes in front of them.


Amelia was hanging out in the lounge during their break, when Eddie walked up to her. "So, something really weird happened last night. I had an um, interesting dream." "Stop right there. Do I even want to hear about this dream," she joked as a small smirk spread across her face. He slightly gagged, "Ew, you're sick Edwards."

"Hey, I never specified what kind of dream I thought it was. But anyway, continue. Tell me all about the weird dream you had last night," she giggled as they continued to walk to school. Eddie began to tell her all about the dream he had of the spirit he and Mara had caught on camera earlier in the year. That spirit having been Senkhara.

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