Chapter 11

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April 7, 2014

"No! No! Absoloutely not! No!"

Those words broke my heart, I had no idea what had happened. I wanted to run away and cry and never look back. I didnt wanna show it so I just sat there with my face in fear. He still has no idea what he did to me. He just ran into Spanish like an angry beast waiting to punch a wall and break it down. Right now, I felt as if the wall was me. But afterschool on the bus, I ran to the back and cried. The entire way home. I was heartbroken. I didnt talk, I didnt look at anyone, I just sat and looked out the window confused and trying to figure out the missing puzzle piece. Then, it hit me!

Liz was the only person I she must've told Caine!!! How could she!!! She's such an asshole!!!

I was pissed. I called her up and yelled at her.

"What the heck did you do!?! And why!?!"

Seven words...

"He was going to find out eventually."

She told me that Caine had asked her why I was being so nice to him because he liked it. She tokd him everything, that I was crushing on him, that I liked him. I was pissed. I hung up and it hit me.

Liz isnt my friend...she's just seeking attention from Caine. She doesnt love him, but he loves her.

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