Chapter 3

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October 7, 2013

It was the end of September going into the beginning of October, and I had finally made a few friends. The trees dont change that much in the fall as they do in Chicago, but it was getting a little chilly a few days here and there. One of the friends I made was Elizabeth (Everyone called her Liz), a 7th grade ginger girl. She was a little shorter than me, a sportsy, scene kind of girl. She looked and sang like Hayley Williams from the band Paramore which she introduced me to, and immediately I was hooked. The main album I listened to was "Brand New Eyes." She was really nice and we called on the phone every day after school. She just came up to me one day because she saw I was alone.  I really dont know how the conversation started. Soon afterwards she introduced me to the rest of her friends. Rachel, a tall, skinny  white cheerleader at Stanfork Middle School, Veronica, the puerto-rican girl who teased me for no reason and thought the world revolved around her. And Caine...well I dont really know his personality yet. Its a little confusing. He kinda just hung out with but would do his own thing as most guys do. He listened to a lot of rock music but he was far from emo. I just kinda heard everything they were talking about, trying to converse, but it always ending in awkward silence most of the time. I kind of got the hang of all the jokes they made and over time we started to do a lot of girl stuff on Wednesday. Caine wasnt there on Wednesdays so it was just girl time. Sometimes it was fun, sometimes it wasn't. But most of the time it just got crazy and weird. We were all singers, except for Rachel, well I guess she could sing a little. Veronica sang because her grandpa was a big time music producer. Liz was in Ladies Ensemble which was the advanced women's chorus at Centuriom. I was in Vocal Ensemble which was the show choir at Centuriom. Along with that, the auditions for the Florida All-State chorus was also coming up and I was really nervous. It was the highest honor a middle school singer could receive. As for the others? They really didnt care for me at all and I just passed that off as an...

Okay, fine

I had gone to Chicago for the weekend but missed Friday and Monday of school because of my Mom's college renunion. Liz really missed me, I could tell. I got everyone postcards, except for Caine, I figured he wouldnt care even if I did, plus, my girls always came first, and then I got myself a snowglobe just for kicks. Liz had told everyone she was getting contacts and Caine kinda had a mini freak-out. Me personally, I thought she would look a lot prettier without her glasses. I was happy for her as usual. She looked like she got whatever she wanted, which was exactly what I wanted. At the time I wasnt the kind of person that was jealous at anyone, I just let life go where it lead me.

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