Chapter 10

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April 6, 2014

Its been two months since Liz broke me to tears. I got over Evan a while ago, after what Liz did to me. But for some reason, I always went back to Caine. He still hung out with Liz, Rachel, and Veronica. I never knew why. We talked from time to time and they were always good, it was always enjoyable. I've been crushing on him for a month and no one knows, except Liz...

"Marie, you're acting pretty weird, is there anything you want to tell me?"



"I possibly might have a crush on Caine." I say as I start to cry.

"Marie, its okay. Im done with him, I am. Though he would never ask you out so you and him are never going to happen. Yeah, its fine." Liz replied.

"Can you keep this a secret?" I asked.

"Yeah, totally."

Thats the day I realized I should never trust Liz with any of my secrets again. That day I regretted for the rest of my life, I coulve told anyone, but I just had to tell her...

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