Chapter 38 - Put Your Head on My Shoulder

Start from the beginning

But over the first half of the school year, he'd excelled in all his classes, doing even better than the previous year, and it was obvious to Jess that if he did choose to go, he'd have no problem keeping up with the other students.  As she considered her own future plans, she felt she was in a terrible bind.  She didn't want to leave Marty, but continuing to live with her uncle was out of the question. 

Her future happiness was entirely dependent on convincing Marty he should attend college with her, and coming up with the best way to approach the subject was something she'd been working on non-stop.  Thinking through it all again, she knew the time had come.

"Marty, have you ever thought about what you're going to do when you graduate from high school?" she started.

"I reckon I'll work for Mr. Dwyer," he said without looking up from his whittling.

"Have you ever thought about – continuing with your schooling?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, and she met his gaze, trying not to give away any of her trepidation.

"You know – college."

"No!" he scoffed, and turned his attention back to his knife.  It was the reaction she was expecting, and she started with her prepared change in tactic.

"I've already decided.  I'm going to college."  Marty slowly lifted his head, and from the expression on his face, she knew he wasn't happy to hear it.  "I don't want to live with my uncle anymore," she continued.  "I don't want to have to live by his rules.  I want to be free!"  She stopped as she was suddenly overwhelmed, remembering how terrible her life was because of him. 

"I know, Jess," Marty said gently.

His brown eyes were full of concern for her while she quickly wiped the tears that had sprung up.  Then he moved the basket out of the way and scooted so he could sit beside her.  Taking her hand in his, he laced their fingers together.  

"I know he treats you bad."  

She put her other hand on his and breathed deeply, reminding herself to keep it together.  She needed to stay in control so she could convince him. 

"You see, if I'm at college, he can't tell me what to do.  He can't control me anymore.  I can go anywhere I want – and I can be friends with anyone I want.  Anyone, Marty," she added, looking up into his eyes.  He frowned at her with confusion, and then his expression changed. 

 "I ain't got no money for college," he said, shaking his head.

"You can save up for it if you start now," she insisted.  "I knew people back in New York who didn't have a lot of money, but they worked over the summer and school breaks to pay for it." 

"No one in my family even graduated high school before!"

"But that doesn't mean you can't!  You're smart enough, Marty.  You're the top student in chemistry class.  If you went to college, you could own your own drug store instead of working at one, or even become a scientist!"

"But I like working for Mr. Dwyer," Marty said softly.  Hearing the emotion in his voice, Jess slumped with disappointment, realizing her carefully thought out plan wasn't going to work after all. 

"I know you do," she sighed, laying her head on his shoulder.  From the way Marty talked about him, Jess knew he'd come to view Mr. Dwyer like a father.  She couldn't ask him to leave now.  Marty rested his cheek on the top of her head, and she closed her eyes while her heart ached with sadness.

"Do you have to go?" he whispered, and her heart hurt even more.

"I don't want to leave you, but if I stay, he'd never leave me alone.  Even if I lived in town, he'd tell me what to do and try to control me.  I don't want to spend the rest of my life sneaking around."

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