Chapter 7

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"There's a moment, in your bones when, when the fire takes over. Blood is running, heart is pumping, as the battle gets closer." - The Score


They pulled up outside large gates protecting the outlet from trespassers. Lauren got to the gate first and noticed the chain was broken, but had been put back in place to give the illusion of security. She pulled on it and the chain fell away from one side of the gate. 'Does everyone have at least five potions?' Katherine asked the group.

'Yep.' Lauren said.

'Got mine.' Amy confirmed.

'Five, I've got enough to last a week.' Lisa admitted.

'No wandering off guys.' Christina said. 'Stay in sight of each other at all times.'

'Yes boss.' Dani said. Lauren pushed open half of the gate and they entered. The chainlink fence let them know no-one was immediately inside, but with demons they could never be too careful. There was a fire crackling in a bin a few yards away. Christina made sure to get to the front of the group, Lauren's lack of an active power did not warrant her being in the line of fire. Dani went to the back to cover them if someone tried to sneak up from behind.

'Where is everyone?' Amy whispered to Lisa.

'No idea.' She said.

'I have a bad feeling.' Amy admitted.

'We all have a bad feeling Aimes, don't need to be an empath to know something is very wrong here.' Lisa said, looking over her shoulder. Christina stopped in her tracks when a figure appeared in front of them. Lauren was looking in another direction and hit the back of her.

'Chris, why'd you stop?' She asked, before following Christina's line of sight and seeing the demon. He was all in black, hands by his side.

'Demons come in giant size now?' Dani queried from the back.

'Apparently.' Katherine said, holding on to a vial of exploding potion in her pocket. Christina was moving her hands the way she used to when generating energy, but she did remember this time, and stopped the movement, focusing on her telekinesis. Katherine moved up to her side, also realising that she was their shield now.

'You're trespassing.' The demon said. His voice was low and disturbing. They were not looking forward to finding out what type of demon he was.

'We need to talk to someone about recent attacks.' Christina said. 'Just a few questions and we'll be gone.' She assured him. He took a couple of steps forwards. Christina tensed but didn't move back.

'What if I just kill you?' He said.

'You're pretty outnumbered.' Dani told him.

'Am I?' He said, a quick movement of his hand made them look in different directions.

'Shit.' Christina whispered. There were pairs of glowing eyes looking back at them from all around. She wasn't sure how many, could have been twenty, maybe more.

'That's more than it looked like on the map.' Dani said nervously.

'Look.' Christina said to him. 'Tell us who is attacking witches and we'll leave.'

'I don't know what you're talking about.' He said.

'Please, you must have some connections. If you're running, whatever the hell this is, then you know someone high up who's agreed to leave you to it.' Christina said. 'If you start a fight right now, your people will die, you don't want that.'

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