Chapter 1

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"It's gonna be a long long journey. It's gonna be an uphill climb. It's gonna be a tough fight. It's gonna be some lonely nights. But I am ready to carry on." - Mary J Blige


It was a week later and Lauren and Dani were sitting on bar stools leaning against the counter in Christina's small kitchen. They had come over after school for a visit. Christina set down three mugs of coffee and asked about the renovation Katherine was doing on their attic. 'She's turned into a crazy person.' Dani said.

'I don't know how many more times I can tell her that I don't care what colour the curtains are.' Lauren said. 'Because I genuinely don't care what colour the curtains are!' Christina laughed and sipped her coffee.

'What about Lisa?' Christina asked. 'Has she had any more episodes with her new power?'

'No, nothing.' Dani confirmed. 'But it's been quiet since Mammon ran away.'

'Are you worried he might come back?' Lauren asked.

'He will come back.' Christina said. 'I know he will. It's just a matter of time.'

'We really need to get your power restored then.' Lauren said.

'We haven't used magic in a whole week.' Dani said. 'I don't know how much longer I can go without turning invisible.'

'Dani, they didn't say we have to stop using magic, just that we have to be more carful what we use it for.' Christina said.

'Are these rules written down somewhere?' Lauren wondered. 'I'd like a hard copy.' Christina smiled and shook her head just as there was a knock on the door. She put her mug down and went over to it, checking who it was before unlocking it. Noah was standing on the other side with a big grin on his face.

'Hey.' He said, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek. Lauren started to wolf whistle as Christina ushered him into the apartment.

'Noah, this is Lauren.' Christina pointed to her.

'Yes, of course, we met once before.' He said. 'I apologise if my behaviour was less than welcoming.'

'No need.' Lauren assured him. 'It was a stressful time.'

'It was.' He agreed.

'And this is Dani.' Christina said.

'Noah, nice to meet you.' Dani stood up and shook his hand. 'Now what exactly are your intentions with our big sister?'

'Okay, enough.' Christina stepped in as Noah stood there grinning. Lauren laughed as Dani took her seat again. 'Can I get you a drink Noah?'

'Coffee would be great.' He smiled and took a seat next to Lauren.

'So, guys.' He lent in closer and whispered. 'I need your advice on something.'

'Oh yeah, what's that?' Dani asked.

'I booked tickets for a play but I don't know if Christina is in to Shakespeare.' He said. 'What do you think?' Christina smiled as she poured the coffee.

'Dude, she can hear you.' Lauren said. Noah let out a laugh and sat back in his chair.

'I think she'll love it.' Dani said, playing along.

'Yeah?' Noah smiled widely as Christina put a mug down in front of him.

'Yeah, she will.' Christina agreed.

'Great, Saturday night.' He said. 'I'll swing by at around seven?'

'Sounds good.' Christina said, sitting next to Dani and picking up her mug once more.

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