Why, why can't I help

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She wanted to help. She really did, but he didn't want it. 'It to dangerous' and 'i can't lose you too'. Don't get her wrong Nathalie was over the moon Gabreil cared for her but that wasn't what she wanted at this moment. What she wanted to do was help. It just wasn't fair! Those dumb teenagers kept hawkmoth a bay and it only fueled his rage. And what's worst was he took out on her the only one who wanted to help.

It had been weeks since hero's day and he had tried countless times. Chameleon, weredad, Chris Master, Backwarder, Oblivo, and even stormy weather (again). And still he yet to see she would even the playing field. It was like a game of chess. Someone had to make a sacrifice play and if it had to be her then so be it. Sure it might brake him but if they got Emillie back it wouldn't matter. She would heal him in a way he would never let Nathalie.

They were in the lair when she had asked again.
"Sir please I can help." She had begged. He had picked up on a strong emotion from across town.
"No your helpful here with me." He had responded. This was were Nathalie would normally except defeat. But no not today.
"HOW? HOW AM I HELPFUL HERE?!" She had lost it. She was sick of it the secrets the lies and for what! Him being saved the hassle of losing a Personal Assistant.
"BECAUSE I CAN KEEP AND EYE ON YOU. I LOST EMILLIE I REFUSE TO LOSE YOU TOO. I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL WHEN I SAY NO AND YOUR WRONG. JUST......JUst....just....." He trailed of. Nathalie stood there in shock, her anger dispersed. He walked over to her and pulled her to him. Trapping her in his embrace. For anyone else it would be weird and boss and employee hugging. But it wasn't they were friends. Friends. She was frozen her arm trapped in between them.
"You gave me no choice. When you are here with me I know.... I know your safe. Apart from Adrein you are all I have left." He whispered.
"I know but I can't sit here and watch you fail you have to let me help. Please let me be Mayura again, I... i have to be." She said looking up at him.
Her eyes big, almost like a child's. They stared in his own begging him to let her help. He wanted to look away, push her back but he couldn't. He just couldn't. She had seen him at his worst and best and him her. The longer he looked at her pleading eyes the more he wanted her to help.
"Ok ok.... You can help," He started
"Omg really thank you thank you thank you." She interrupted. Rapping her arms around his ribs, finally returning his hug.
"Only if you have my permission and you stop when you need or want to. Do you understand Nathalie. If I lose you I brake, I'll brake for good." He said sternly.
Her smile dropped for a moment. It returned of course.
"Ok thank you." She said better pulling away and walking of back to the house.
Gabreil stood there for a moment. She seemed diffrent, more child like. A rumored side effect of the peacock was vulnerability. Gabriel had seen Nathalie vulnerable, but never like this.

Days went by and it soon became clear to Gabriel the the peacock miraculous seemed be draining Nathalie. She craved more addition and at the end of the day Gabriel was fine with that. In till she began to crave physical attention.  Like hugs and soft head kisses. It made Gabreil uneasy. On the plus side because of this new found issue Adrein got more time with his friends.

She only used it once it will be fine. Gabriel thought to himself. A small part of him wanted her to keep using it. He like the attention she gave him. He knew he should feel betrayal but he didn't. Gabreil watch Nathalie from afar, looking after Adrein. So he chose to go sit with him.

Author note:

orry I don't update often.  I will get On top of everything, I promise.

I wanted to trail what a vunruble side of charaters would look like. Can I have feedback and AU ideas for another book I'm writing.
Till next time.

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