Chapter 1: When I First Saw You

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Shouto Pov
"Shouto take the car to U.A." Endeavour said as I was walking to U.A. - leaving the car with a driver in it. Today will be the first day of school for me and other people and i'm walking to school. I do not respond to anything Endeavour says.

"SHOUTO GO IN THE CAR!" He said before I start running through the streets. I know how to get to U.A. since my dad would pass it and say "This place is your goal" and honestly made me not want to go there.

My dear ol' dad is Endeavour , the number 2 hero, he is a great hero but a terrible father. Most people would say "Having a hero as your dad must be the best" or "It must be cool to have someone like Endeavour to be your dad" but I don't agree with either of those opinions.

You see I don't like my father - he makes me train a lot just to surpass him and All might. He told me I was born for this, born to do only achieve that since my elder siblings can't.

My father arranged a quirk marriage with a women who has an ice quirk. He had kids with her only so he can create me. He didn't marry her out of love - he did it so that he can create a generation built to be stronger than him.

I run around and saw a coffee place with people chatting while drinking their coffee and people just ordering their brew. I wonder how coffee tastes like - would it taste good or bad?

As I slow down, I look over to see an apartment building. I stopped and I looked into a window on a first floor and see a family happily dancing to music early in the morning. It was heartwarming before I felt a pair of eyes watching me.

So I turned around seeing if anyone was watching me and I saw no one. I continued on my way to U.A.. For a while I heard some distant heys and waits but I don't really think much about it.

I see U.A in the distance so I was getting close and I saw other people go in already. I think that schools about to start but I just brushed it off and kept walking.

"Finally..." I say as I arrive at the gates to U.A. and stopped for a bit.

I heard a really loud hey. I didn't think much about it but then I felt a warm hand rest on my shoulder. So I looked behind me to see a green haired boy flushed ,probably from running, in a U.A. uniform.

"Hello!" He said wearing a smile and then my world went slow.

A/N: Hi, thanks for reading chapter 2 of The Perfect Time. I hope you enjoyed it.

Sorry that its kinda short but i'm trying.

My update sched is weird...

Yeet ❤

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