"You don't have to do that, it's okay," Sirius said, although he was intrigued by Remus' offer.

"What if I want to?" Remus smirked.

Sirius returned the expression. "Okay, then. I'll meet you in the spot after classes?"

Remus nodded and gathered his books from the table, "I'll see you later, I have to go ask Professor Binns a question."

Sirius watched as Remus left, his face adorned with a goofy smile.


Sirius was feeling hopelessly lost as he attempted to revive his Draught of Living Death potion. No matter what he did, he could not get the potion to turn the dainty lilac color that Professor Flogley desired at this stage of the brew. Sirius heard someone snicker and looked up to see Horace Slughorn looking at his potion, not bothering to keep his amusement to himself. Truth be told, his didn't look much better.

Sirius sighed and sat back in defeat. This was hopeless. How was he going to become an Auror if he couldn't even pass his classes?

He heard someone clear their throat and looked up to see Severus, doing seemingly well with his potion.

Sirius shrugged. "What do you want?" He whispered.

Snape didn't reply, simply nodded his head towards his advanced potions textbook as he slid it closer for Sirius to see.

Sirius looked at him with eyes that asked, "Seriously?"

Snape nodded almost imperceptibly.

Sirius looked around to see whether or not Professor Flogley was watching him with his hawk eyes, then let his eyes wander to the page with the potion's recipe.

"Crush it? Are you sure?" Sirius asked. The book had originally said to cut the Sopophorus Bean.

Severus rolled his eyes, "Yes just do as the book says."

Although Sirius was reluctant, he followed Snape's notes in the textbook. He was surprised to see how well it was working.

Towards the end of class, he had what he supposed was a near-perfect brew of Draught of Living Death. Or at least, it was nearly the same as Severus' brew. He looked around the room at all of the frustrated faces, peering into their cauldrons to see if the grey mud they had created had suddenly turned into the iridescent clear liquid that the potion was ultimately supposed to have. Sirius looked towards Horace Slughorn, who's hair was standing up on end, his face covered in soot. It was Sirius' turn to snicker.

Professor Flogley wandered over to their table and peered into Snape's cauldron, looking proud. "Well done, my boy," he said, giving Severus a fond look.

Then he ambled over to Sirius' cauldron, his face already contorted with disgust, preparing himself for the absolute disgrace of yet another failure. However when he saw the light reflecting on the bottom of the cauldron and the clear substance that he had produced, Sirius saw his Professor near jump back in surprise.

He looked up at Sirius with cross eyes, "How did you accomplish this potion so perfectly? It's a Level Seven potion!"

Sirius smiled wryly, "I am a Level Seven wizard, Professor. I just followed the instructions in the book."

It was the truth. Which book he followed did not matter.

Professor Flogley humphed, "Fine then, B."

Sirius widened his eyes. He knew he shouldn't test his luck, but he wanted to make the old man as uncomfortable as possible. "But, Professor, my potion is just as good as Severus' over here and he received an A. I don't see how that's fair."

The Professor's shoulder's sagged with defeat. He took another look at Sirius' potion, as if he'd forgotten how well he'd done and sighed. "Very well, then. An A for you too, Mr. Black."

He turned away with pain on his face, making Sirius smile triumphantly. He looked over at Severus, prepared to see him angry that he was receiving good notes off of his work, but instead, the greasy-haired boy was looking at him with a smile of his own.

Sirius couldn't deny that they were friends, but he couldn't let the other boys know, especially James. They'd tear him apart.

After class, Sirius walked with Severus to the Great Hall for lunch.

As they walked through the corridor, Sirius asked, "Can I see that book of yours."

Severus handed him his potions textbook. He flipped through the pages. It was fully annotated, not only for the potions they'd already done, but for every single one. There were notes in the margin too about other things, such as substitutes for ingredients, some potions and spells that Sirius had never heard of. One caught his eye above all the others.

"Sectumsempra, for enemies...what does that do?" He asked.

Severus snatched the book out of his hand and held it close to his body, "That's none of your business, Black."

Sirius was startled at how fast Severus' moods have changed, "Okay, sorry I asked."

They had arrived at the Great Hall. Sirius paused. He couldn't go in at the same time as Snape. That would look too off.

"Coming?" Severus asked him.

"I forgot, I uh...told someone I'd give them notes, I'll be in in a bit," he mentally slapped himself. Who in their right mind would ask the slacker for notes? He was better at excuses than that.

Severus raised his eyebrow, but slipped into the hall nonetheless. Sirius waited a few minutes, leaning against the wall and then entered himself, not glancing at Severus as he went to sit down with his friends.

"Where were you, you're late?" James asked.

"I was giving someone notes," he might as well use the same lie.

James didn't seem to buy it, but lucky for Sirius, he continued the riveting conversation he'd been having with Peter about Lily's silky hair. Remus appeared as if he was listening, but Sirius knew that Peter was the only one who listened when James rambled on about his love life.

"So you still good for studying later?" He whispered to Remus, leaning on him slightly. It felt good to be that close for once.

Remus nodded and smiled slightly, the smile that filled Sirius stomach with a thousand Cornish Pixies.

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