Hermione furiously opened the door causing Draco to stumble on his back.
Her arms were crossed while one foot was tapping the floor.

Draco groaned, "What was that for?!".He immediately shut his eyes, fearing she was still naked, I don't want to be accused as a pervert.

Hermione shrugged and rolled her eyes at him as she marched out of the bathroom. Draco sighed and got back on his feet, "Get your arse here Draco Malfoy!" she called out.

Draco obeyed and went to her, "Look Hermione I--".

"Tell me the truth" she snapped, she didn't want to get her hopes up. As much as she wanted to believe him, she was afraid that it was all a joke.

Draco took some time to gather all his thoughts and compose himself, Hermione looked disappointed. "I knew it." she sighed and stood up, "You know what Draco, I really hate it when someone makes a fool out of me. I don't want to--"

The brunette was caught off guard when Draco pressed his lips on hers, his arm snaked itself to her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Hermione felt herself stiffen, but as Draco opened his mouth to explore hers, she couldn't resist and she melted into the kiss. Draco took hold of her wrist and placed it around his neck, Hermione's other arm voluntarily followed and she stood in with her tipped toes, following his lead.

This was all unexpected... He's making my heartstrings tug, my mind whirl, and the butterflies in my stomach rage. Many emotions all at once, it's too much to take yet it feels so good... Hermione thought.

I've longed for this taste, it's like I've been searching for it all my life and now that I've felt it, I want more. I can feel her heart beating on my chest, and the warmth of her hands wrapped around me. Draco couldn't help himself anymore, he realized that he had so much feelings for Hermione as he poured his adoration on her through the kiss.

They broke away to catch their breath, Draco gazed deeply into her brown crystal orbs and laid his forehead on hers. "Still think it's a joke Granger?". Draco gave her his famous smirk.

"Shut up Malfoy" she let out a small laugh.


"SO YOU'RE OFFICIAL!?" Theo blurted out, he and Blaise were wide-eyed as Draco was calmly sipping his tea in a corner, "I honestly don't know if that's what you call it... I think no. Nope, not yet" Draco replied.

"How could you not know? You've had experience with relationships how could this be any different?" Blaise questioned,  Theo was seated beside him as they leaned forward as though they were interviewing Draco.

"Because she's not like any other girl I dated"Draco retorted, She's Hermione Granger, a muggle-born,  a know-it-all, a bookworm, a hairball,  a Gryffindor, an Auror, and all the things I couldn't even verbalize. Even perfect wouldn't cut it. "So let's say, it's the dating stage, not yet officially boyfriend and girlfriend" Blaise concluded.

"I didn't think you'd have the balls to kiss her man!" Theo mocked Draco, "Oh dear friend, I do have the balls and they're surely larger than yours" Draco shot back.

"Won't your parents disagree on this?" Blaise asked, Draco chuckled, They're actually the ones that have been nagging me to date her. I can't imagine the look on mother's face when she finds out.

He shook his head in response, "I highly doubt that". "Since when did they agree on you having feelings for someone who isn't pureblood?" Theo questioned, he knew that Draco had been dictated ever since he was a child. He didn't have the chance to say what he really wanted because what his parents wanted was what he was supposed to want as well.

Draco shuddered, remembering his old self when he was prejudiced. He felt disgusted, "I can't believe I treated her that way before"Draco stared at his reflection through his tea, thinking Is she really sure that she wants me after all that? I can't imagine the pain I had to put her through.

"Well now that you have her, make up for all the torture you made her feel back then" Blaise told him, "Why are you all suddenly acting like love experts?" Draco raised a brow at his two friends. The two men shrugged, "You're blessed mate, where would you be without us?" Theo gave him two thumbs up with a smile showing all of his frontal teeth.

Draco scoffed and looked out the window, "Probably not being able to have Hermione in my arms ever" he muttered, he was really thankful for his two best friends for sticking with him even through all those rough times and supporting him despite it having to be in a joking manner. But he felt their sincerity, those two weren't like Crabbe and Goyle at all.

He was always grateful for them, he was just too proud to say so.

"Thanks to you two, I think I found my missing piece" Draco made sure Blaise and Theo didn't hear it.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now