"Get out of my way! I need to finish cutting! " the man stood up, gripping the blood-covered knife.  "REDUCTO! " somebody shot from behind, "TOUCH HERMIONE GRANGER AND DRACO'S GONNA KILL US ALL!" Blaise and Theo arrived.

"NO ONE CAN STOP ME! " roared the man and picked up his wand, "Expelliarmus!" Ron and Pansy came along, they heard Hermione screaming and rushed to its direction, Hermione gathered all her remaining strength, "Confringo" she said faintly, flames shot the man. He screamed in pain as flames burned his body.
"Ron! Take Hermione to the hospital now or she'll die!" Harry hurriedly told Ron.

With no further ado, he and Pansy carried Hermione and apparated to Guerison. Harry,  together with Theo and Blaise, took down the man, Harry put out Hermione's flames, and the man was immediately brought to Azkaban.

"Draco's going to DIEssect us when he finds out we couldn't save Granger"Theo said nervously, Blaise whacked the back of his head. "But that was one heck of a fire" Blaise commented.

"Fire is Hermione's specialty," Harry said "let's all go to Guerison now", his heart beating fast, he was a nervous wreck. What if something happens to Hermione? I'm not losing my best friend. This is all my fault... I couldn't save her damn it!!!


Ron and Pansy have arrived at Guerison, "EMERGENCY!!! " shouted Ron that alarmed almost everyone in the area. "I NEED DOCTOR DRACO HERE NOW! " Pansy yelled, "I'm sorry but Doctor Draco is busy--"

"I don't care if he's busy with anything we need him here! Someone's dying you bitch! " Pansy bellowed at the sassy nurse, it sent her running.

Hermione was put in a hospital bed and they started saying charms as they ran through the hall on their way to the operating room.

Draco came running and saw Pansy and Ron, "where is she?" he asked hurriedly, "There! Run for it!"Pansy pointed at their direction and Draco ran at his fastest to the operating room.

"She's losing a lot of blood!" the healers were rattled, Draco felt like his whole body was about to crumble upon seeing her pale yet bloody body.

He went to her, he was enraged by the stab marks on both her arms and the cut on her waist that was only 2 inches away from her navel. Who did this to you?

"Hermione! Can you hear me!?" he needed to keep her alert, "Draco...? "she said weakly, "Stay with me okay? Stay with me!" he took out his wand.

"Wands out!" he shouted, "Shut the torso or she dies". Lord...please... Please, I beg you, help me save her.

He concentrated, he could see tears falling from her eyes, her lips quivered and her breathing became slower.

"Blood pressure dropping" alerted one healer,  they were surrounded by muggle machines and magical tools, they were all focused on the bleeding brunette, all they had in their mind was save her.

"Hermione, just listen to me okay?" Draco tried to talk to her as he was doing the operation, Hermione could barely speak. She was growing weaker and weaker by the moment.

But then she burst out screaming, she was struggling to get off the hospital bed. Draco froze,  No, not now...

"Klein and the rest,  recite the cure of the possessed!" his hands were shaking, "The remaining, help me attach her torso". He went to her side, she screamed, even more, blood exploded from her mouth.

There was a look of horror in Draco's face, his face stiffened."You're not dying Hermione I'm not allowing you!" he said in rage and worry combined.

Draco was carefully fixing Hermione's cut-off parts, the healers around him had their wands steady, casting spells to stop the bleeding.

I can't afford to make a mistake now. If I do, I lose her for the rest of my life...

Draco tried his best to stop himself from being negative, from overthinking things, Save her Draco, save her! Save her and heal her until she could get back on her feet and you could see her walk down the aisle toward you! CONCENTRATE!

Outside the operating room, their friends gathered. Pansy and Ron sitting beside each other, Pansy rubbed Ron's back comforting him. "I didn't get to apologize to Hermione yet... She can't die..." Ron clasped his hands together and rested his forehead on it.

Ginny came along, Harry was walking back and forth, anxious, terrified, and hopeful all at the same time. As soon as he saw his wife, he pulled her into a tight hug. He needed it to calm him down.

"Ginny... I'm scared... What if Hermione... What if Hermione won't make it?" Harry's voice was shaking. They could hear Hermione's gut-wrenching screams from inside.

"She will!  She's strong, she will not die! She'll have to ask my permission first before she can even leave us" Ginny opposed, "Draco's with her. He will stop at nothing to save her" Theo assured them.

"But what if he couldn't?" Harry was shaking, he couldn't help but overthink. "What if something goes wrong? I couldn't even save my own friend..."Harry collapsed on the ground, covering his face in shame.

"Have faith in Draco..." Blaise told them, "He wouldn't forgive himself if he couldn't save Granger. Even if it costs him his life, he'll do it in exchange for hers"

"How can you be so sure of that?"Ron questioned, "Malfoy is just a doctor. Not the Sorcerers stone".

"Think about it, when you love someone..." Blaise looked at the couples with them, Ron faced Pansy. Harry looked up at Ginny, "Won't you do anything for them?".

"I would"Ron smiled at Pansy, she blushed and smiled back,  "I couldn't agree more"Harry said as he planted a kiss on Ginny's forehead.

"Have faith in Draco. Because he would too"Blaise told them, "Malfoy loves her?" asked Harry.

Theo shook his head and chuckled, "I think that's an understatement Potter".


How was it?! I'm so bad a writing about action and putting it into detail I'm so sorry, but I hope you guys and gals enjoyed this chapter. Please do feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts about this one. 


A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin