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Okay ...so you are a taurus ..let's take a closer look at the details

Range : April 20 to May 20

Element : Earth
Quality: Fixed
Day: Friday
Color: Green, pink
Ruler : Venus

Best compatible with: Scorpio , Cancer

Strenghts : Reliable, patient,  practical, devoted, responsible,  stable

Weaknesses : Stubborn, possesive and uncompromising

Taurus likes : gardening, cooking , music , romance ,high quality clothes, working with hands

Taurus dislikes :  sudden changes,  complications, insecurities of any kind, synthetic fibres :)

Famous personalities:
Dwayne Johnson
George Clooney
Queen Elizabeth
Mark Zuckerberg
William Shakespeare
Sachin Tendulkar

So Taurus, huh ! Pretty awesome ... the best part was that you like good quality clothes ....Awesome !!! So don't forget Gucci is counting upon you
😁. But seriously..you are awesome and stunning ...Keep it up Taurus, you've got a long way to go. Wish you a road full of success !!!!

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