#9 - Snog, Marry, Avoid

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Hey guys - guess what... I'm back! - I've decided to make more of an effort to post updates on this story now, since I haven't updated for ages!!


"Okay [Your Name] now it's your turn!" Exclaims Izzy.

It's 4th period on a Friday, and you're in your English class playing 'Snog, Marry, Avoid' with the rest of your friends on your table. The teacher doesn't really notice when you all do this because within the first 5 minutes of your lesson, she gives you some boring old task to do (which usually takes you 10 minutes to complete anyways) and then she buggers off to the staff room for the rest of the lesson, to flirt with the art technician. Ugh isn't it disgusting when old people flirt? it's just like 'no please stop now, this is getting weird'. Yuck...

Anyway, on your table there is: Izzy, Ellie, Harry, Dougie, Tom and You. So let's break this down.

Sat next to you is Izzy Johnston. She's a Brunette with long swaying hair and piercing green eyes. She's an old friend of yours, but you don't have many lessons with her anymore, so you don't get to see her as much as you used to. She's really charismatic, super funny, oh, and she is killer on the violin!!

Diagonal-right to Izzy is Harry Judd. He's a really chilled out and laid back guy, his woody-brown hair flicks up weirdly and his green eyes strangely match Izzy's - if you know what I mean. And a little thing about Harry - don't give him any sort of caffeine or he'll literally turn from his 'calm' attitude and into the complete opposite.

Next to Harry is Eleanor Goulding - she has hair that is almost a yellowy blonde, clearly dyed because of her extremely obvious burgundy roots. And her X-Ray greyish-blue eyes that can always get a conversation going with the boys, they all seem to get lost in them, it's like her secret weapon.

Opposite Ellie is Dougie Poynter. The only way to describe him is 'the class clown'. Short and flicky, dirty blonde hair, similar to Harry's. And even a little bit of chin fluff here and there. He's always making fun of the teacher and getting sent out for no reason other than for being a complete baffoon. You've known him since you were only a little girl in pre-school, he's always had your back. He's kind of good looking, but definatly not your type.

And next to Dougie (And diagonally-left to you) is Tom Fletcher. Now Tom is a whole new story...

He has deep hazel eyes and messy, half-spikey bleach blonde hair that sweeps above his eyebrows effortlessly . He has a super cheesy smile and an adorable sense of humour that makes you giggle uncontrollably to every joke he makes. The way he leans forward in his chair, doodling pointlessly all over his work, filling the margins with Disney characters and 'Back to the future' references fascinates you - but the thing that does it the most - That. Half. Smile. Uhgggg.

Izzy leans all the way back in her chair and stretches behind Harry, to mumble to Ellie about what boys they should pick for you to group. A short 20 seconds pass and they have made their 'selection' along with the help of Dougie and Harry.

"Okay so - we have picked..." Ellie announces to your table sarcastically. "James Bourne" (one of Tom's mates)"Matt Willis"(another one of Tom's mates)...

At this point you are desperately hoping that she doesn't say Tom. OMG awkward mode activate!!

"And Danny Jones!"


You order the boys like you have done a million times before - it's obvious.

"Okay fair enough," says Dougie as he nods in agreement. "You pick who's next then" he says.

Haha! This is it, today is the day Im gonna ask him to order me in for snog, marry, avoid. Then I'll finally know if he has feelings for me, or even the slightest little bit of interest.

"I pick... " it takes you seconds to make the descision.


You notice as his face suddenly lights up at the mention if his name.

"Okay then, who you picking for me?" Replies Tom with the beloved grin on his face.

The decision was delayed, like you suddenly had doubt for what you were about to ask him, but I guess there's no point turning back now.

"Me, Ellie and Izzy"

Nobody had asked this to anyone on your table before, you were all too worried about offending each other. The whole table fell silent.

Tom rubbed his hands together in anticipation as he trailed in thought to come up with his answer. Every second making your mind fill with so much more doubt.

"I would... Snog Ellie, I think, because why not!" He said jokingly. This makes you worry so much, there's only 2 spots left, the best and the worst... You heart comes up to your throat before he speaks again...

"Avoid Izzy and Marry [Your Name]"

OH MY GOSH. Did he really just say that or am I just going insane?? Me?? Marry me?? Really?? Is he just saying that or did he mean it??

Dougie and Harry murmur in unison because the knew that was the descison he would make. Izzy didn't look offended, and Ellie really didn't care. The only thing on you mind was thinking about how hot your cheeks feel now since straight after he'd said those words.

You turn away from him, embarrassed of course... Zoning out for the remainder of the lesson.

But you just manage to catch the half smile that was permanently plastered onto his face for the rest of the lesson...


"Class dismissed" your teacher shouts over the noise after the bell goes.

You make a B-Line for the door. Too embarrassing to even be in the same room as him right now.

It's only when you feel Tom's tight grip on you arm as you turn the corner of the corridor that you know something's about to happen. He manages to get you to turn around to face him, his eyes permanently locking into yours. He says softly:

"I can tell you're embarrassed, think how I feel... Well... I like you [Your Name], like a lot... And I couldn't lie, I'm tired of lying. Sorry I embarrassed you..."

He hugs you tightly, and it's like all your wildest dreams were alive.

Except this one, was even better.


Enjoyed it?? Leave a comment telling me if you did, because more comments = more motivation for me to write = more updates + early updates!!

See you later Weirdos and Weirdettes!❤️❤️

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