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IRL after Octavia walked in on Murphy and Bell kissing
Murphy POV
Octavia walked in on Bellamy and I kissing. My heart immediately started racing and I started to freak out. My breath started to get heavy and I started shaking. Octavia saw this as well as bell and bell started to hold me and Octavia left but not without saying "we will talk about this in the morning."

Bellamy and I stared at each other until he said "let's just get to bed ok baby?" I liked the nickname but just nodded. I went to the bathroom to her changed into Bellamy's clothes. They were big on me but that was ok. When I went back into the room he just smirked and patted the spot next to him. He turned off the light and we slowly drifted off in each others arms.

A few hours before

The squad group chat

Jasper: We have an announcement to make!!!

Clarke: We being who?

Octavia: Me and jasper

Raven: Jasper and I*


Jasper: Anywaysssss

Octavia: Jasper and I areeeeeee

Jasper: Dating!!!!

Monty: WOW. Super surprised

Clarke: Congrats your officially the last people to know

Octavia: Way to be supportive

Miller: Awwwwwww your soooooooo cuteeeeeeee toooogeyherrr henzbsjdnbeuemebeh

Clarke: Congrats you broke Miller

Bellamy: Honestly though I'm not even gonna go all overprotective brotherly cuz jaspers like a little mouse

Jasper: Am not!!

Octavia: yes you are babe

Miller: awwww she called him babe❤️❤️

Clarke and Lexa private text

Clarke: Babe?

Lexa: Omg I've been so worried where r u

Clarke: The hospital with echo

Lexa: The hospital!?!?? Are you okay? And also echo? Ravens ex?

Clarke: I slept with someone at the party and got pregnant

Read 5:03...

Clarke: Lexa? Please answer me!

Clarke: Lexa?????

Clarke: Let me explain!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while😬

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