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"Mmm, Luke can you answer your phone?" I groan when he doesn't stir, my elbow nudging into his side finally rousing him from his sleep to pick up the vibrating piece of shit.

"You okay Ida?" he demands urgently, his voice fully awake along with me who now attempts to snatch the phone from him.

"WHAT?" he shouts while throwing himself out of bed to flick the light on.

"Okay stay calm and listen to - IDA! FUCK!" he screams before looking at his screen to find she's hung up.

"What the fuck is going on?" I demand as he begins pacing and crying with his hands in his hair, my hands going for my phone and tearing up a little when I see a missed call from her.

How the fuck did I not wake up to my phone and Luke's? How heavy was I asleep and how long has she been trying to get a hold of us for?

"It's Ida, she's been taken!" he cries with tears instantly falling from my eyes when the memories of Alistair keeping both Luke and I hostage, comes flooding back like a storm.

A storm I had been avoiding for years since it's something I find hard to not think about every time I overlook the scars on myself and Luke.

Max's face soon returns to my thoughts and instantly my blood runs cold. He's back officially because now he has our daughter, something I knew would happen eventually just I didn't expect it to be her or now!

Who else would come after us other than Max? No one, so it only confirms my suspicions more that Max has returned and he has mine and Luke's blood in his mouth. He wants us dead and he is using our daughter to get to us.

Ida knows bits of what happened to Luke and I, but not the full story and currently as I stand here I'm starting to think that even that little bit of information is enough to get our daughter in shit.

Hoping it isn't cannibals though I know for a fact it is, I observe as Luke leaves the room until crashing and bashing sounds around the house, yet returns seconds later with a map.

"If she says where she says she is, I am fucking hoping not because that's part of one of Alistair's contacts communities. If he has found out she is in the area, it wouldn't have taken them long to find out she is our daughter." he explains while skimming his fingers around the area he thinks she's in then stopping at a location in the middle of nowhere.

"We have to call my Mum." he declares when he shoots me a paled glance, my face matching his as it dawns we really don't have much time.

As for his Mum, where the fuck was she when all of this went down? I thought she was meant to keep an eye on her, not fuck off as soon as she's eighteen!

"I'm not going to stop you, but you tell her, that she did a FUCKING SHIT JOB ON KEEPING AN EYE ON HER FUCKING GRANDDAUGHTER!" I scream after him whilst he's snatching the phone off of his side table and doing just that, my brain telling me to do the same with my mum and eventually doing so.

"Hey Mum." I sob into the phone with my mind not even phased at the fact that it's currently one something in the morning.

"Emily, are you okay?" she demands though her tone's concerned and waking up at the same time.

"It is Ida ma, she's been taken!" I cry harder into the phone, the other end rustling until Cam's name is being shouted, a quick conversation between the both before I'm put on loudspeaker.

"We're coming over, give us five minutes!" Cam yells in the background as my cries get too much for me and halts me from using my words.

"Calm down Emily, we will find her the same way we did with you only faster." Mum assures me then says she has to get off the phone and that she loves me.

"Love you too." and the phone call's ended.

"Mum's coming now. She already has people in and on the area. Apparently Mum was in the middle of something when her contacts that were keeping an eye on Ida were killed. These people are more serious with Ida than they were with us." he explains with his voice shaking and gaze on the phone in my hand.

Can we even afford to go up against people more serious than what Alistair was? Will we make it out this time round or will Max get the better of us?

"Your parents coming as well?"

Nodding my head he takes a seat next to me on the bed and holds our trembling bodies together, my thoughts conjuring up a million things that could be happening right now to her and there's nothing we can do to stop them.

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