Intro Stuff

169 15 4


This book is a work in progress that I plan on updating. Comments, votes and shares will be greatly apreciated and acknowledged 

Draft 3

you shine brighter than the universe and all its stars rn. you're my one lil light shining the way to go :) the way that leads to home and cuddles :D

And you Are the brightest light for me always baby And I'll always follow you

Cause wherever you are it'll be my home

Beginning notes going into Draft 3

Draft 1 was 65,000 words

Draft 2 involved cutting down and finding the story (24,000)

Draft 3 will be rebuilding the story and developing characters (28,000 words)

Next draft will be more of a line edit/ story edit

Order of this draft may be al little off. Out of time...

{} This represents notes to self

Title ideas

-Meep {if I can find a way to use}

- Forever and always (always and forever) {rooting for this one. Need to add into story though or otherwise it doesn't make much sense...}


Character names still unresolved (all set)

And I have absolutely zero character descriptions, kinda just throwing characters at readers and being like "good luck"

Dates will need to be figured out NOT 2017, 18, 19

Just sorting by month for now. Would have filled out more but am out of time

Beginning is kind of light

Then move to no contact with Kyle

Sadness and crush on Nikki

Reunite with Kyle (yayayayayay)

Focus on friendship/love

Realization that this friendship is important and they've got each other's backs no matter what forever and always

Ideas for inspiration going into draft 3

"I remember this time

When you were crying and breathing really loud and bitch, des**** and i were cheering you up and did

And then for some reason we started talking about weigh

AndD said how much she did and i was like


And she laughed and you punched me lololol

Cause it was the same amount as me

Or more..

That was hilarious if i think about it

Im glad i was there to cheer you up"

Card games

More reading written stuff


Include more letter type stuff

Make the forever and always more of a natural and in the front and center of plot to them

Poems flow more naturally, and will as fillers in

Poetry works to help flow of emotions

Dedication ex:

Intro poem:

The gentlest kiss

A fairytale bliss

A story sky turned to blue

A princess so small

The best thief of all

The sweetest kiss that flew

Always and forever

Forever and always

I want to be with you

This online diary is the property of Kay J. Willows

Always and Forever [NaNoWriMo 2018]Where stories live. Discover now