Leila's Time To Shine

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Middle school went really well for Leila. She got to make new friends and got to be involved with so many things. She had come home one day super happy and had things to tell me so we sat down on the couch and she began to ramble on about how her day was. She told me about how she had nearly finished her art project, started a new book in English, and how her class meeting was for her class's middle school graduation. 

Middle School Graduation, May 24th, I had dropped her off 1/2 hour early as her teacher had told them they needed to do. I went back home for a while to finish getting ready to head back up to the school to watch the graduation ceremony for her class. As the ceremony went on several teachers gave speeches on how great the class was and then teachers gave out awards for middle school achievements. It was called that one of the students was chosen to write a speech on thanking teachers along with what the class liked and memories of their middle school years.  I was in complete shock when Leila was the student that was chosen to do the speech. The shy girl that was only herself, from what I knew, at home. Surprised that she was the one girl of the 30 some kids in her class to be able to write the speech and to even be able to give the speech. 

"Thank you, everyone, who joined us here today to help us celebrate moving from middle school to high school. We take this time to celebrate the times we have had here at New Haven Middle School and to help us transition into new memories to be made in high school. we would like to thank all the teachers who have been there for us along the way and thank our parents for supporting us while we went through middle school........ We have truly enjoyed our time in middle school and can't wait to continue to grow closer and make new memories together in High School."

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