Chen laughed it off, "If are still able to mock me like usual you will be fine."

Jingwei guided Kuan-Yin towards the sickly Phoenix. "I have medicine that can help alleviate some of the discomfort of your illness." Pulling out small contraption that had a clear container and she slipped in a cartridge of some sort into the clear container. "Jingwei can you instruct him how to use it?"

Jingwei took the medical contraption that was given to her. "The thing Yin'er put in you press on it to release a gas which you breathe in. Use it when necessary, once in the morning to help throughout the day and if you start wheezing again use it again." Jingwei finished explaining the contraption to the sickly Phoenix, Yan Yu.

"This medicine." Yan Yu looked at the device, "Who made it?"

"Yin'er made it!" Jingwei answered proudly.

"Your condition I have seen on a few people." Kuan-Yin chimes in, "Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the illness. Difficulty breathing, sometimes dusty and pollen season make symptoms worse and painful coughing are the most common. But, this can't be cure sadly and it's usually comes from genetics." She explained the symptoms of exactly Yan Yu had been experiencing since he was born. But, he disappointed that it couldn't be cured.

Jingwei's big vermillion eyes stared at Yan Yu, "He can get rid of his weak constitution if he can evolve into a superior mythical beast."

Susu and Fan just came into the library with their hand full of ingredients and food. "Jingwei what is the difference between demonic beast and mythical beast?" Susu questioned since she wasn't well versed in beast knowledge.

"Demonic beast don't have the constitution or potential to cultivate s they are unable to have a human form there having a beast form." Jingwei gestured with her hands as she explained the differences and pointed to the mark on her back, "Mythical beast are very rare but also hard to raise and they're born with the constitution to cultivate and can potentially gain a human form. After evolving into a superior mythical beast, we gain a mark to show our power."

Susu marvelled at Jingwei who smile happily being able to teaching someone. Susu had given everyone a snack to eat, she began serving tea to everyone. Yan Yu coughed again, "It's very hard for me to cultivate since the period of cultivation needs to be undisturbed otherwise I will suffer backlahes."

Jingwei crossed her arm, "You have the medicine to help stop your condition for a period of time so you can make use of it."

Chen smirked, "Wow for once this bird brain isn't acting like a child!"

"Who's calling me a bird brain?" Jingwei pointed at Chen, "It's funny how you call me childish when you are the most childish person alive."

While Chen and Jingwei were both arguing with each other Yan Yu directed Kuan-Yin and Audun to the library, "What is it you need?"

Kuan-Yin took out the paper of the magic circle and gave it to him. Yan Yu examined the magic circle, "This looks familiar, probably be in the archives of magic." he mumbled to himself and walked off. Kuan-Yin and Audun followed him to the archives of magic, hundreds of books were lined up orderly on the shelves some even on tables and on the floor. Both Kuan-Yin and Audun were amazed by the sheer number of books that were present in front of them.

Both of them being the research and book-loving people they were immediately started reading through the books, absorbing as much information as they could. After activating her sight, Kuan-Yin read and she would write the book title and summarise the contents of them down in her book. Audun would take down important notes and record them for her personal use. This when on for the entire day, the three book frantics looked the entire day looking for relevant information.

Audun surrounded by books jumped in joy, "I found it!" Exclaiming in joy whilst knocking over books near her by accident.

Kuan-Yin rushes over and stared at the book, "Let me read!" She furiously read the book taking down notes. After Kuan-Yin finished writing down her notes, she shut her eyes quickly as a burning sensation occurred in her eyes.

Kuan-Yin whimpered in pain as her eyes burned. Audun gripped Kuan-Yin by the shoulder worried, "What's wrong?"

Chen came rushing into the archive to find Kuan-Yin, when he found her in pain he rushed over, "Yin'er what's wrong?"

Kuan-Yin took Chen hand and placed them over her eyes, "Use your ice constitution, please, it hurts."

Chen activated his constitution and allowed the freezing temperature to cool Kuan-Yin's eyes down. This lasted for two hours. Audun was terribly worried unsure what was happening, "Is she going to be ok?"

Kuan-Yin wrapped a cloth around her head to cover her eyes, "It happens when I overuse my eyes."

Audun was still worried about Kuan-Yin, but Kuan-Yin reassured her that it was fine and they all left to eat dinner. Everyone was enjoying dinner and Kuan-Yin and Audun were happily enjoying the wine that was offered by the restaurant. It was a lychee rose infused wine. The flavour was very fruity, sweet and florally. Audun who was easily intoxicated by the wine and was knocked out like a light. Kuan-Yin was leisurely drinking the sweet wine like it was tea, though she was getting a little warm and tipsy from the amount she was drinking. Nearly 5 bottles alone were drunken by Kuan-Yin alone, and she stopped drinking knowing her limits.

The Second Prince had to carry the very drunk Audun who was boldly flirting with him, trying to seduce him. The second Prince had a very hard time resisting her sexy charms.

The adults in the group went to a theatre house to enjoy more wine. Jingwei and Yan Yu decided to do some nightly flying together in their phoenix forms. Susu and Fan went shopping for any ingredients to bring back the Sect. Chen carried Kuan-Yin like a princess back to his mansion, "Yin'er you know it's about time we have some little one running around the house soon." he cheekily smirked kissing her.

Kuan-Yin happily giggled while being slightly drunk, "We aren't even married~ having little ones before marriage is bad~ hubby is so bad~ how come I'm getting married to such a hot, sexy hunk who acts like a child." Kuan-Yin's speech was getting slurred the more she spoke.

Chen smugly smirked at Kuan-Yin's words, "Hot and sexy huh? When did wifey get so descriptive all of a sudden?"

Kuan-Yin playful slapped him on the shoulder, "Take me to bed!" She wiggled in his arm, "I want to go to bed!"

Chen kissed Kuan-Yin's cheek, "Your wish is my command wifey." Chen used his qi gong to go to his mansion where both of them slept in the same room.

(They are not doing the deed they are just sleeping)


"How much longer do I have to wait?" A young man dressed in luxurious clothes shouted at the two people dressed in black cloaks.

Before the woman in the cloak could act on the rich nouveau the man stopped her, "Not much longer, we have all the preparations, " the man in the cloak smirked maliciously, "We just have to wait for the coronation of your majesty."

The rich nouveau and the two cloaked people parted way from each other and disappeared into the night. No knew of what happened that night.

(Well you guys know.)

A/N: Sorry update might be later than usual from here on out due to my life.

The Benevolent Miracle Doctor [Completed] [In Progress of Editing]Where stories live. Discover now