Chapter 15- One Final Thing

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By mid-morning, the sun was sweltering. Solo stretched out on his back and partially hid under the boat's dashboard to shade himself against the sun. On the other end of the boat, Illya and Gaby hid beneath his jacket. Natalia and her father took shade beneath the blanket they had found the previous night. They'd been drifting on the current for hours, waiting for Waverly and his rescue team to find them. Solo spent most of the night keeping watch in case the Cuban coast guard decided to hunt them down.

"Are you sure about those trackers, Peril?" Solo called out from his hiding spot.

"Give it time, Cowboy. He will find us."

Solo hoped so. They were out in the middle of the ocean with no food or water. He glanced over at Natalia and her father. The man was already on his last leg. "Everything alright over there, Nat?" he asked.

"We're fine. Aren't we Papa?" She looked down at her father and smiled lovingly. Sergei nodded his head. A faint smile formed on his lips as he rested his head against the back of his seat.

"Why don't we move him under here," Solo suggested to Natalia. "There's more shade. It might be cooler."

Natalia started to protest. Solo lifted his brow and shook his head. The offer was non-negotiable. He would be alright in the sun. It would be tragic if they came all this way to rescue her father only to have him die of a heat stroke. Solo got to his feet and helped Natalia move her father to his old spot. The old man panted gratefully for the meager bit of shade. Natalia gripped her father's hand and gazed up at Solo with a worried expression on her face. Any minute now, Waverly, he thought to himself. They were all thirsty and exhausted from the sun.

"Not your typical Caribbean vacation," he tried for some levity.

Natalia's lips turned up into a wan smile as she followed him back to where she'd been sitting with her father. "As far as vacations go, I've had better."

"Then I owe you one of those little coconuts with an umbrella."

"And a lot of alcohol," Natalia added.

Solo liked the idea of the two of them sitting on a secluded beach somewhere sipping rum from coconuts. In fact, he liked the idea may be a little too much. Solo didn't like to form attachments. When people got too close, things tended to get messy. He stole a furtive glance at Natalia. He had a feeling that with her things could get messy.

"I think I see a shark," Gaby said. She sat up with a start and wrapped her fingers around Illya's bicep.

"It's probably a dolphin," Natalia assured her.

Solo looked over the side of the boat and peered into the water. "Well, if it is a shark, as long as we stay calm, we should be alright."

Gaby looked up at Illya for comfort. Illya wrapped his arm around Gaby's shoulder and helped her settle back against his chest. "I'll keep you safe, little chop shop," he whispered against her temple.

Solo lifted a brow at his partners tender moment and shook his head. "Don't get too comfortable," he warned. "It looks like our rescue party has arrived." From a distance Solo saw a black dot in the sky making its way toward their boat.

"Oh, thank God!" Natalia stood up and shielded her eyes against the blazing sun so she could see for herself. "It's about time. Papa wake up," Natalia said as she moved toward her father.

Solo looked at Illya from across the boat. "Good work, Peril."


Gaby combed her fingers through her damp hair. It felt like ages since she had a hot shower. She slipped on a borrowed Navy jumpsuit and did the best she could to make the oversized uniform fit. After spending hours floating in a small boat in the middle of the ocean, Gaby was grateful that Waverly managed to get them on the naval ship. They were sailing somewhere between Cuba and the Florida Keys. Gaby rolled the trouser legs above her ankles and slid into the shoes she wore the night before. She could still taste Illya's lips and feel the strength of his embrace. It was better than she had imagined it would be. A knock at the door startled her out of her reverie.

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