Chapter 10- In Plain Sight

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Maximilian Kirkoff was a man who enjoyed the finer things in life. His base of operation in Austria wasn't the back-alley hole Solo expected. Instead, the team from UNCLE found themselves at Sölden. A ski resort that overlooked gleaming, white snow-capped mountains and plush ski hills. As far as locations go, Solo appreciated the scenery (for more reasons than one). His gaze fell on Natalia. The Russian beauty was dressed head to toe in a white snowsuit that fit to perfection. She completed her outfit with a white, fur Cossack that made her look even more foreign and exotic. They all looked good. Even Peril.

The foursome sat in the great hall of the ski lodge together. To outsiders, they were two couples on a ski holiday. Upon closer inspection, they would notice Illya's shrewd unblinking stare trained on the main entrance. Or the way Solo sat at the ready. They all had the same objective, bring in Maximilian Kirkoff alive. Waverly was sure to emphasize the word alive when he gave his orders to Illya and Solo.

Solo stood at the concierge desk and waited his turn. He'd already worked out what he was going to say to the German hostess in charge of guest relations. The spy plastered on his most charming smile and moved up the line.

"Hello, I'm Nick Dempsey," he introduced himself using the same name from Rome. It was easier for him to remember.

"Good Afternoon, Mr. Dempsey." The woman spoke English with a heavy German accent. "How can I help you?"

Solo leaned against the desk as if he was about to share something very confidential. "I'm looking for someone. An old friend of mine. He goes by Kirkoff, Maximilian Kirkoff. I need to know what room he's staying in."

The concierge frowned and shook her hair. "I'm sorry, Mr. Dempsey, I'm afraid I cannot give you that information."

"Really? You see, Maxi and I made plans to meet here at this resort this weekend. I'm sure of it. And try as I might, I haven't been able to find him. I know I'm asking you to break all the rules, but..."

The girl glanced briefly to her left and right before she looked through the list of guests. "I'm sorry, Mr. Dempsey," she said a few minutes later. "I don't believe we have any Maximilian Kirkoff staying at this resort. Perhaps you are mistaken." She gave Solo an empathetic look.

Alright. He was going to have to try another tactic. Solo nodded his head and pretended to turn away. "Just one more thing," he hedged. "Sometimes my friend likes to go by a different name. You know, for privacy reasons. Could his reservation be under a different name?"

"I don't know..."

Solo placed his hands over his heart and gave her a wounded look. "Please, Johanna," he said reading her name tag. "He and I served in the military together. We promised each other that if we made it out alive, we would meet here on this very weekend."

Johanna sighed and looked through the guest records again. After a few seconds, she motioned for him to come closer and whispered the name Kurt Voss in his ear. Solo took her hand in his and flashed another smile before kissing it.

"Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me."

"Please don't tell anyone what I've done. I could get into a lot of trouble, Mr. Dempsey."

"Oh, don't worry. Your secret is safe with me."

The hostess smiled while she scribbled something on a slip of paper. She slid it across the desk toward him. Solo looked down at the cabin number she scrawled on it. "Is this his room number?"

Johanna smiled. "No. It's mine. I get off at seven," she said before calling up the next guest.

Solo looked down at the room number again. A few weeks ago, he'd have entertained it and Johanna for the night. Solo's eyes darted toward Natalia, she was speaking casually to Gaby on the other side of the room. As much as he wanted to be interested in the number, he couldn't muster a single reason to show up at seven. Only one woman that piqued his interest these days. Solo made his way toward the over sized fireplace. He furtively tossed the paper into the fire when he was sure Johanna wasn't looking. The hostess didn't notice. But Natalia did and a small smile tilted the corner of her lips. Solo watched the paper burn for a few moments before joining his team.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. When in RomeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant