First Steps

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We got off a few stops later. Surprisingly, we were in china town.

"What made you get off here?" I asked him.

"Well, what better place to hang out than a foreign wonderland, located practically within walking distance of the train station?" We walked down the street and past a woman selling flowers on the corner.

"Flowers for your pretty lady?" she said to him. He smirked and gave the lady twenty dollars. He handed me a bouquet of daisies.

"I hope she's my pretty lady."

As we walked we talked about everything, from movies and books to politics and even our favourite memories from our childhood. I felt so relaxed around him, comfortable to speak my mind. He didn't judge me for a second on anything I said, even if it sounded a bit odd. He would just keep the conversation going. And he made me laugh too. I would laugh until my sides hurt and I would keep laughing after.

We walked until our feet were sore.

We sat down inside a little restaurant. He ordered us drinks and payed for them both.

"This has been really lovely." I said when he sat back down. "Thankyou for a wonderful evening."

"No, Thankyou." He smiled at me "If it weren't for you I would have spent my night watching telly eating junk food."

"Well I'm glad this had been mutually beneficial." The waitress arrived with our drinks. "I'll be honest with you, I don't usually do this sort of thing. I mean I am a boring person and for me to spend a whole evening with a stranger I met on the train is completely unheard of. Very out of character." I admitted.

"You're not boring!" He feigned horror.

"How would you know? I haven't even told you my name, and I don't know yours either!" I said rather more aggressively than I meant it.

As I sipped my drink trying to cool down, I heard beautiful music drifting in through the window. I looked outside and saw a man playing the cello outside the restaurant. I smiled as the notes filled my head.

"Do you want to do something else out of character?" he asked me.

"What do you mean?" I replied, confused.

"Trust me." he took my hand and led me out of the restaurant. The music was clearer out here. He started swaying from side to side. He placed his hand on my waist and pulled me along with him. He began to dance in the middle of the street.

"Oh my gosh you look so silly." I said.

"Does it matter?" he asked as pirouetted across the pavement, narrowly avoiding a table. "Dance with me!"

He took my hand and spun me around. I laughed and went along with it. I felt safe with him. I began to dance along to the music. I began to dance with him, swaying alongside him, twirling and prancing around, probably looking like a complete idiot but I didn't care. I could feel myself taking the first steps towards letting myself be free. The first steps towards becoming who I wanted to be.

"My name's Thomas. Thomas Brodie Sangster." He said as he pulled me in close and twirled me around.

The first steps towards falling in love.

Train to Nowhere : A Thomas Brodie Sangster FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now