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Hey guys! As you can tell im back! i just wanted to take a little summer break and i also have Some LITTLE ideas since my cousins suck ;-; (jk i love them) Sooo Enjoy!
'So is these are the dorks that are in my class'
"Okay listen up!"
"Why would we listen to you?! You're not the boss of us!" a girl with black hair and a mask said
"Okay then Jane the killer  2 hours detention"
"H-HOW DID YOU KNOW MY NAME?!!" The rest also looked shocked
"Oh honey......I KNOW EVERYTHING" i said with a smirk
"As i was saying,follow me to get to your class" and i started to walk away
Jeff POV
'Hmmm for a girl not bad! She just shush the unshushable witch is Jane'
We are now following her through the halls when-
Shit....We are late
"Are we gonna get a detention?" Masky asked her
"No there is a rule here that when you there is new students they can do whatever they want" She replied
Jeff POV End


This is such a shitty chapter D: Im sorry! I'll still try my best

205 words

Creepypasta High//CreepypastaxGoddessReader// [Discontinued] ((Im sorry))Where stories live. Discover now