Chapter 10

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"Hey, Andrew" I greeted as I walked onto the tour bus. He smiled and hugged me and showed me the room in the back of the bus that I would be sharing with Shawn. I sighed my put my things down.

"Shawn should be here soon, his flight is a little late" Andrew responded and I nodded. While we waited for Shawn, Andrew introduced me to some of the band. They were all really nice and funny. But, I couldn't help but think about how I left my family. I left while they were mad at me, that shouldn't have happened but I didn't have a choice.

"Hey guys" Shawn greeted as he got on with his bodyguard behind him. I gave him a fake smile and he walked over to me and kissed me. He then hugged me and squeezed.

"I missed you," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I missed you too big guy" I responded as he pulled away. He greeted Andrew and the band members and then walked back to the room we would be sharing. Andrew winked at me and then I got a text.

Andrew: Looks like that date worked wonders

Rain: Just because we aren't fighting publicly doesn't mean we're anywhere close to friends

I rolled my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. Shawn came back out and the driver started up the bus. Some of the band members went into the bunks and some stayed in the main area to watch TV. Shawn and I went to the bedroom.

"So, I saw the video of the church thing" Shawn stated and I rolled my eyes.

"My parents wrote it, I wanted to die" I responded and he chuckled. Then Andrew walked in and I looked at him.

"Sorry to ruin the reunion, but there is a talent agent for Rain who's going to meet us at the first tour stop" Andrew informed and I smiled and nodded.

"Great," I said with a smirk. Good, I can get out of this relationship soon. Andrew smiled and looked at us.

"You guys are a cute fake couple" Andrew stated and then he walked out. Shawn sat down on the bed and grabbed the controller. He turned the TV on and went to Netflix. I hesitantly sat down next to him.

"I want to watch Grey's, you can watch Netflix on your phone" I suggested as I grabbed the controller from him and Shawn chuckled.

"That's what I wanted to watch" he responded and I sighed. I started to play Grey's Anatomy and then got onto my phone. I played one of those games that have those annoying ads.

"So, I thought you wanted to watch," Shawn said and I shrugged.

"It's called multi-tasking" I stated with a pissy tone of voice. Shawn put his hands up in defense and looked back at the TV. I went to Instagram and grabbed Shawn's hand. I took a photo and put it on my story, after that, I let go of his hand. Shawn set up his phone and started recording. I furrowed my eyebrows in both annoyance and confusion. 

"Babe, come here" Shawn begged as he wrapped his arms around my neck and waist. Then I got what he wanted, he wanted to record a video of us making out, and get our names out there more. I smiled and straddled. His arms moved to my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed me and I smiled. I didn't expect him to use tongue but might as well make it more realistic.

"I missed you so much" he muttered and I smiled.

"I missed you too love" I responded and he kissed my cheek. We made out for about a minute before we both were done with it and he ended the video. I watched him post the 'i miss you' part and then got on my own phone. I started to record a video and I pointed the camera at him.

"Babe, babe, babe," I said and he looked at me.

"What?" he whined and I giggled.

"I love you" I stated and he smiled.

"I love you too Rainy" he responded and I kissed his cheek. I posted the video and then moved away from Shawn and started watching what was playing. Then my stomach rumbled as the bus came to a stop.

"Let's go get lunch lovebirds" Andrew teased as he opened the door and I sighed. Shawn and I got up and followed him off the bus and into the restaurant with a couple of bodyguards following us. The restaurant staff had to extend our table with other tables. Shawn and I sat in the booth part because Andrew made us. He gave us the look any father would give his children to tell them to behave. Trust me, that's the exact relationship the three of us had.

"Babe, want anything?" Shawn asked and I shook my head.

"No thanks, I'll probably just eat some of your food" I answered and he nodded. He wrapped his arm around me and I leaned into him.

"Are you okay? I heard your stomach on the bus" he said and I shrugged.

"It's probably just nerves since I am meeting up with a talent manager soon" I responded and he nodded. Andrew gave me a look telling me that I was doing it right, not that I needed his guidance. Everyone's food came out soon and I slowly took fries off of Shawn's plate. Every time I got caught he would smack my hand away but I would go back in for more.

"Can I just have a little bit of your salad" I begged and Shawn sighed. He surrendered the fork to me and I ate a little bit of his salad and then I took a sip of his water. Shawn looked at me annoyed and I smirked at him.

Once desert came Andrew smiled. Both Shawn and I knew what he was planning. I put some cake on a fork and Shawn did the same. We fed each other and Andrew took a photo with a Polaroid camera. I smiled, I could get used to this is it meant free food.

Officially Fake Dating {1}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora