Chapter 21 - "Are you happy, Haley Day?"

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Through her balcony doors, she could see Jace's darkened room. Her eyes traveled up and she could see a sliver of the sky and the freckles of stars across it. Tiredly, she climbed off her bed, leaving her music behind. Outside the air was a soft blanket of heat. Distant noises from the neighborhood reached her. Hearing Isaac's voice in her head, she laid down on the balcony.

For a long while, she let the twinkling of the stars consume her. The vastness of the sky seemed to capture her pain and store it away where no one would find it. As she stared at the sea above, the ache in her chest diminished. The stars stared down at her, making her feel infinitely small under their knowledge and longevity.

Lights around the neighborhood switched off one by one and still, Haley didn't move. Even the yellow glow beneath her died and she was left with the stillness of the night. A purr of a motorcycle filled the air and then cut off. Still, Haley remained laying on the balcony. A light popped on in Jace's room. Even though she didn't look over, she could hear him moving about. After a few minutes, the door to his balcony opened.

"Haley Day," he said. "Are you aware you're laying on the balcony?"

"Yes." Even to her own ears, her voice sounded small.

Jace wandered out and leaned against his railing peering at her. If Haley had glanced at him, she would have seen the troubled frown that appeared on his face. But she didn't look over.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his tone quiet.

"Watching the stars."

"Any specific reason?"

She shook her head. Jace nodded but said nothing. Haley heard his retreating footsteps and saw the light go out. Before she could think she was alone again, Jace was back. Kicking off his shoes, he tossed them back into his room. He dropped to the balcony and laid down, resting his hands behind his head. They sat in the silence of the night.

Haley didn't know how long it had been when Jace spoke.

"Do you know any of the constellation names?"

"No, do you?"

He pointed up to the star at a line of three stars.

"Orion's belt." After pointing to another cluster, he dropped his hand. "And the Big Dipper but that's it. Pity Isaac isn't here."

Surprised by the statement, Haley turned her head towards him. "Why do you say that?"

Jace remained staring at the sky as he spoke. "Because he's an astronomer. Well, close to it."

"How do you know that?"

A soft chuckle left Jace. "I've known Isaac since elementary school. I think it was one of the first things he said to me when we met."

Despite her weary state, Haley felt a tug at her lips.

"It hasn't changed since then," he said. "We talked about it last semester."

"You two talk?"

"Yeah, I help him with Spanish and he helps me with science."


Jace focused on her, his mouth turned into a teasing smirk.

"You sound surprised."

Haley gave an awkward shrug. "Well, yeah. You two don't seem like the type to naturally be friends. You are part of different groups."

As he watched the stars, Jace ran a hand through his hair, then replaced it under his head.

"That doesn't really matter when you've known someone for the majority of your life."

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