Chapter 6

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Steve watched from afar as Bucky placed himself into the Cryo-chamber and was frozen. The medical staff, T'Challa and his past-self exited the room allowing Steve to enter. He walked over to the unconscious body of the man he loved. It was only 2016 and he knew that his journey would still take years until he can be reunited with Bucky. His Bucky.

"Hey Buck, long time no see. For me at least it's has been about 25 years since I last saw you. Well saw the version of you that was brought back after Thanos. I hoped that my mission would simply be return the stones and come home, come back to you but you know how time is. Everything comes with a price, I had to stay behind to ensure that the stones were on the correct path. Everything that happened which related to the stones was because of me. HYDRA, Jane, Thanos. It will always lead to me. I probably have a kill count which surpasses the Winter Soldier and that just being away. I miss you Bucky. God, I wish I could come back and explain everything to you, but I can't. The Ancient One explained that it could meddle with time even more and I can't have that happen. No matter how much I want to be in your arms again just like when I was smaller. I love you Bucky. I hope you know that. I hope you in the future wouldn't believe that I stayed in the past to be with Peggy. I can't lie to you Bucky, I was tempted but I discovered over these last 25 years. I might have loved Peggy in the past, but I now love her like a little sister. It's not like I how I love you. I will always choose you, no matter what. You're everything to me Bucky. I can hear someone coming back, probably going to remove the conditioning from you head and they will. I promise. See you soon Bucky. Remember I love you" Steve declared to the love of his life, he took one last look at Bucky and vanished just before Shuri appeared. She looked around the room, she was sure she could hear a voice however, there was no one present in the room. Shrugging if off, Shuri walked over to the monitors and started work.

~6 Months Later~

Steve reappeared in the time he has slowly becoming use to. He had just returned from a complicated mission and all he wanted was food, a shower then his bed. Unfortunately, the Ancient One was already in his room.

"Mission was a success" Steve answered as he flopped down onto his bed.

"Good. I will be leaving for Karmar-Taj tonight. This will be the last time we will see each other. Doctor Strange will appear soon enough, he is meant to be the best of us all and I must be there to meet him. I have looked into the future to see what man Strange is meant to become but I cannot see it. I will not see what Strange will become. I need you to keep managing the time line, I have created a list of points in the timeline that must be protected. Good luck, I am sure that you will be able to return to your love ones soon enough" The Ancient one explained her upcoming demise.

"I understand, I'll try and stay out of Doctor Strange and this upcoming battle's way. Goodbye Ancient One. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I was not worth your kindness and guidance" Steve replied taking the list from the Ancient One.

"Goodbye Mr Rogers-Barnes" The Ancient One said before exiting his room.

Steve stayed locked up in his room just like he promised the Ancient One, this was not his battle to fight. It was Doctor Strange and the others who vowed to protect the Time Stone and the sanctums. Word did not take long to travel around the three sanctums about the Ancient One's death. Steve sighed before picking up the list the Ancient One had given him. It would be easier to avoid this fight when he was not present in the time line. Steve quickly packed all his belonging into a small bag and disappeared back in time. He had work to do. 

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