Chapter 3

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Steve flopped down onto his bed. He was out as soon as his head hit his pillow. The last mission had been tiring. Steve had been stuck here for now ten years and he had finally reached the 21st century on his missions yet he still had so much still to do before he could return home. For some reason the Ancient One decided that he had to protect the stones which was were in space much to Steve distaste. There were multiple times he had to visit Vormir and Morag to prevent others from getting a hold of the power or soul stone. The amount of lives he had taken would rival the Winter Soldier's kill count.

His last mission had lasted longer than he expected. Thanos need to get hold of Loki to ensure that the Battle of New York would happen however, Thanos didn't get Loki which meant Steve was dispatched to convince Thanos of Loki's importance to his mission. Steve however was not sure how he was going to convince Thanos of Steve's own importance.

Steve appeared on the recent planet that Thanos had decimated. The Mind Stone was being kept hidden, but Steve knew that Thanos would need to gain the Mind Stone to use in the sceptre to Loki. Steve attacked the guards protecting the mind stone, they tried to stop Steve from entering but Steve had the upper-hand due to the Super Soldier Serum. He quickly defeated the guards before opening the stone doors to the crypt. Steve cautiously headed towards the stone pillar to prevent any booby traps going off. Steve saw the stone laying in a black box in the centre of the stone pillar. He quickly grabbed it before darting back out. Now he needed to find Thanos.

Locating the giant titan wasn't hard. He stood in the centre of all the chaos.

"Locate the mind stone" Thanos said to his adoptive children.

"As you wish Sire" Ebony Maw said but before anyone could leave, Steve walked over to Thanos the box containing the mind stone in hand.

"Lord Thanos" Steve started before kneeling and opening the box revealing the stone. "I have heard of your courageous battles and your mission to balance the world. I saw your vision in lives of my race and I understood that we cannot win against extinction without drastic measures. When I heard you were coming to my planet I knew I had to get the Mind Stone for you to show my support for your destiny" Steve lied.

"My child stand" Thanos ordered and Steve obeyed, this was the only way Steve would be able to gain Thanos' trust.

"I am pleased that someone shares my vision. As reward of your courage I want you to aid me in my search for the stones. You shall become my child. What is your name?" Thanos asked.

"I do not have a name. A true name. I have no family. No heritage. For the last few years people have called me Barnes" Steve answered, there was some truth behind that statement the only person he had left which felt like true family was Bucky. Even though the Avengers were his family now. The Barnes were the only people who he would class as his proper family. They had taken him in and looked after him after his mother died, they had treated him like family.

"From this moment you will be reborn as Normad Barnes, a child of Thanos" Thanos stated as he rests a large hand on Steve's back and guided Steve towards his ship but not before ordering the black order to kill half of the planet's population.

Steve spent the next year proving himself to Thanos. He went on missions with Gamora and Nebula. His blonde hair which was glamoured red was currently shoulder length. He was slowly becoming more like Bucky in a way, long hair and cybernetic components. During a mission Steve was attacked from behind and his eyes were ripped out, Thanos replaced them with cybernetic ones. His time at Thanos side was dwindling and Steve couldn't wait to return to the ancient one.

"Father" Steve said as he entered Thanos' throne room, the giant titan was sat on his chair.

"Normad" Thanos greeted when Steve reached the titan and bowed.

"I have come baring news" Steve said before continuing "I have located the Space Stone, it is currently on Earth with a governmental intelligence agency called SHEILD. They seem to be trying to weaponise the stone. I have an idea, it might not be the greatest of ideas Father, but I think it might be the easiest way to gain the tesseract".

"What is your idea my child?" Thanos asked.

"It would be best to keep your forces aware from this primitive planet and instead send an associate to retrieve the tesseract after recent events this SHEILD group is aware of alien presence and have worked to protect themselves from us. However, Asgard is in ruins after the attack between the princes Loki and Thor. They have no Bifrost, so they would not be able to get to earth and protect it. Loki hates earth and has a strong ideal to rule. Using him he could get the tesseract from earth in the process of destroying all weapons which were made to destroy us making the planet defenceless. Win a primitive planet for Loki and in exchange gives you the tesseract" Steve explained his plan. Thanos didn't reply for a few moments.

"Where is this Loki now?" Thanos questioned.

"Floating through space, I can take my ship and get Loki then bring him back and you can show him your ways" Steve replied.

"Take your ship, get this Loki individual" Thanos ordered, Steve internally smiled at his success.

"I will not fail you father" Steve answered leaving the Throne room and headed toward his ship which was kept in cargo. Steve ordered Thanos' followers to open the hatch once Steve had started up his ship. The hatch opened, and Steve flew out into to space towards Asgard. Loki was unconscious when Steve found him. However, he was still alive. Steve kept Loki unconscious as he headed back to Thanos to prevent Loki trying to escape the ship.

Thanos was pleased with Steve's success and as soon as Loki awoke, the torturing began. Steve kept far away, he knew it wouldn't take long for Loki to break and Steve was right a month into the torture Loki agreed to Thanos' plan. Another year past and Loki were ready, sceptre in hand which carried the mind stone. Steve entered the throne room once more.

"Is everything ready my child?" Thanos asked once his eyes landed of Steve.

"Yes father, I will take Loki to the point where he can access the Tesseract's power once that has happened, I want to set out on my personal mission" Steve answered.

"What is that my child?" Thanos questioned.

"I will find the infinity stones you seek. You will have two soon but there are still four more to find. I want to make it my mission to locate these stones for you father" Steve answered. The truth was he felt that if he stayed with Thanos any longer he would be brainwashed into actually believing in his plan like the other children of Thanos were.

"You may Normad Barnes. I wish you well in you mission" Thanos said giving Steve his blessing, relief washed over Steve as he knelled.

"I will not fail you father" Steve answered before exiting the Throne room and headed towards his ship where Loki was already waiting. The ride to Earth was a quite one. Once they were in range Steve activated the machine which would use the tesseract to open a portal to its location.

"You shall no fail my father, if you do, he will find you and you will experience something worse than death" Steve said glaring at Loki. Loki nodded his head weakly before disappearing. Steve didn't wait any longer before disactivating the machine and disappearing from this time along with his ship. 

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