Chapter 2

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"Steve" the ancient one said as she walked over to the super soldier. Steve had been living in the past for three years now flittering throughout time ensuring that the stones followed their destined path.

"Yes, what stone do I have to go to next?" Steve asked, he had gotten use to the routine.

"Captain Marvel or Carol Danvers was created through a Kree called Mar-Vell getting her hands on the tesseract whilst creating a light-speed engine to save another alien race called the Skrulls from the afford mentioned Kree. You must make sure that Mar-Vell who is hiding under the alias of Wendy Lawson gets her hand on the Tesseract. Lawson dies in 1989 and has been working on the light-speed engine for three years previously. I do not know for sure when Lawson gets her hands on the Tesseract, but it can only be rumoured that she received it early 1986" the ancient one explained, Steve sighed he was getting tired of running after these stones and he had still yet to reach the 21st century yet.

"Make sure Mar-Vell gets the Tesseract, got it" Steve replied before closing his eyes and pictured the place and year he needed to be in. A light green aura appeared around the outline of Steve then he disappeared. Steve kept his eyes closed as he travelled through the space time continuum. It was nothing like the quantum realm which was bright and full of colour, the space time continuum was just the darkness. It was void of life.

Steve felt the ground underneath his feet reappear, his senses were overloaded with noise and smells. Steve slowly opened his eyes. He was standing in an air force base which was mostly empty, the sun was barely up. Steve was wearing a pilot's uniform; his blond hair was glamoured black along with his blue eyes which were now brown. When interfering with the stones timeline he was going to be meeting people from his future. This meant he would need to be disguised to prevent him being recognised in the future.

Steve rubbed a hand through his hair before heading towards the area where the Tesseract was being kept. After learning how to use the mystic arts, the ancient one followed through with her idea and the time stones powers were fused to Steve's being. This allowed him to track an infinity stone when he was in close range to it.

"You can't have the tesseract, Shield has plans for it. They would never let someone just take it Lawson. You must understand this" Steve heard Howard speak to Mar-Vell. Steve quickly hid behind a large filing cabinet watching.

"My light-speed engine could stop wars, I just need a few hours with it to see whether it would work. You don't need to tell Shield that I looked at it" Mar-Vell argued, Steve could tell the woman was desperate and he could understand why, the survival of a whole race was at stake.

"No means no Ms Lawson" Howard snapped before storming off whilst pulling Lawson with him. Obviously not trusting the woman to not steal the tesseract if she was left alone. Steve watched as Howard and Mar-Vell disappeared, he knew what he had to do. Steve walked over to the unit where the tesseract was being kept before grabbing a briefcase which was lying around. He smashed open the unit's door instantly setting off the alarms giving Mar-Vell an alibi from stealing the tesseract. He pulled the tesseract out and shoved it into the case before running out of the facility.

"Ms Lawson" Steve shouted as he ran over to the Kree scientist.

"Can I help you?" Lawson said trying to hide the obvious annoyance in her voice.

"I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I overheard your argument with Mr Stark and I think you are right, I'm not a scientist but I know the basic understanding towards the efficiency of a light-speed engine would be. If you keep this between us then you can have this" Steve said, he saw Mar-Vell's face morph into confusion, but Steve just smiled before opening the briefcase to reveal the tesseract. Mar-Vell's eyes widened in shock as she looked at the tesseract then she quickly closed the case hiding the tesseract from sight.

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