Lisa and Rosé shrugged. "Oh suffer endlessly no doubt," Lisa said.

"Or, live my life annoyance free." Jisoo gave them both a kiss on the cheek before getting up to get ready. She was about to drop her towel when she realized that Lisa and Rosé were still in her room. "Guys, I know we're close but there's no chance in hell I'm letting you see me fully naked."

Lisa and Rosê rolled their eyes and got off the bed. "Fine, we'll just clean up the mess you made in your living room."

"Thank you."

An hour later, Jisoo had successfully cleaned up her apartment, got ready, and managed to (literally) manhandle Lisa and Rosé out her door. There was no way she was going to let them stay when Jennie came over. Now Jisoo's nerves were going haywire. She never felt so many butterflies in her stomach that she actually though that if she opened her mouth, a few of them might fly out. She obsessively checked her watch and reflection every five minutes.

Jennie said she'd pick her up around 7:00 and it was 6:50. Jisoo had no idea if she'd be early or late or right on time. Oh my God, get a hold of yourself you spaz. Jisoo checked her reflection for the millionth time when she heard a knock on the door. She's here, holy shit. Answer the door! She took a deep breath before turning the knob and opening it.

Jisoo smiled when she saw Jennie looking as nervous as she was. She had straightened her hair and put it up in a half ponytail. She looked absolutely gorgeous wearing a simple outfit similar to Jisoo. Jeans and a shirt. Jennie held out a bouquet of flowers.

"Um, these are for you," Jennie blushed as she handed Jisoo the bouquet. "I didn't know what flowers you liked, so I got you pretty much one of each."

Jisoo took the flowers and smelled them. She got me flowers! "These are absolutely beautiful, thank you." She smiled at Jennie and Jennie blushed more. "And I like lilies, just for the record." Whoa there confident Jisoo, slow down now.

"I'll remember that." They stood there for a few minutes just staring at each other. The stare was getting too intense that Jisoo had to break it

"Um, come in while I put these in some water." Jisoo stepped aside to let Jennie in. "I'll just be a second and then we can go." She went into the kitchen trying to find a vase.

"I like your place," Jennie commented.

"Thank you," Jisoo said from under her sink. There you are! She grabbed the dusty vase she had under there and filled it water. She put the flowers in it and stood back to admire them. Jennie Kim got me flowers. Wow, I'm never going to throw these out.

Jennie wandered around Jisoo's living room looking at the various things hanging on the walls and sitting on shelves. "You have quite a DVD collection," she said pointing to the massive tower in her living room.

"Yeah, I own pretty much every movie ever made. It's the film geek in me," Jisoo said blushing.

Jennie smiled and looked down when she felt something rubbing against her ankles. "And you must be Koopa." She bent down and picked up Jisoo's kitten. Koopa meowed and rubbed his face against Jennie's. "He's absolutely adorable."

Jisoo had to fight the urge to not get her camera and start filming Jennie. It was quite possibly the cutest scene to ever unfold before her eyes. Jennie holding her kitten while he pretty much cuddled with her. That lucky pussy.

"He seems to like you."

"I'm hoping he's not the only one." Jennie gave Jisoo a grin while she kept on petting Koopa. Jisoo bit her lip and looked down so Jennie couldn't see her entire face go red. "You ready?"

Jisoo looked up to find Jennie still grinning at her. "Um, yea-yeah."

Jennie put Koopa down and headed towards the door. "You look really beautiful tonight," she said while holding the door open for Jisoo.

It's official, she's trying to kill me. "Thank you, you look beautiful, too." You always look beautiful.

It was Jennie's turn to blush. "I guess you're rubbing off on me then. Shall we?" Jisoo nodded and followed Jennie out of her building.

This is going to be an interesting night.

"And that's why I never eat chicken," Jennie finished her story and Jisoo had to cover her face with her napkin because she was laughing with a mouth full. Jennie had been telling her a story about a traumatic experience she had when she was a kid. It involved a blowtorch and man in a chicken costume.

"Wow, that would get me to stop eating chicken, too."

"I know, right? Anyways, so don't take it personally when I cringed when you ordered your chicken parmgiana." Jennie took a sip from her drink. "So, I feel like I've told you my entire life story, what about you?"

Jisoo pushed around the left over food on her plate with her fork. "What about me?" Great, it's the me part of the conversation, I was hoping we'd skip it.

"Well, what's your story? Tell me about your family or what you were like in high school considering I obviously don't remember," she said jokingly. Jennie paused when she realized that Jisoo wasn't responsive but looking down at her food. "Your favorite color?"

Jisoo let out a little laugh. "Purple," she answered looking up.

"Ha! I knew I find out something about you." Jennie smiled at her.

It won't kill you to tell her about your family. Just leave out the high school stuff. "Well, I grew up in Rhode Island and I moved here the summer before I started high school."

Jennie gave her a sympathetic look. "Oh wow, that must of sucked leaving all your friends behind and coming to a whole new state to start in a whole new school."

Sucked like you wouldn't believe. "Yeah, it did. My older brother, graduated high school before we moved so he was already off to college at Duke. He already accepted the fact that he wasn't going to live in Rhode Island anymore." Jisoo sipped her Coke and watched Jennie. All her attention was focused on Jisoo and it made Jisoo feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "Yeah, so you know, I just sucked it up and dealt with it." And high school was all kinds of hell but you made it feel a little better.

"So, who did you hang out with in high school? Maybe we ran in the same circle of friends and never knew it." There was something in Jennie's voice that made Jisoo think that she knew something but wasn't saying it.

"Um, I don't think so."

"Oh, come on, we must have someone in common back then," Jennie was persistent.

Okay, if she knows I was the girl in the courtyard, why doesn't she just come out and say it? Why don't I just come out and say it?

"No, I don't think we did. I mean I wasn't exactly Miss Popular in high school." Jisoo surprised herself at how bitter she sounded.

Jennie furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What's that suppose to mean?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes and suddenly four years of being ignored and picked on was crashing towards her. "Oh come on, you had to know that you were one of the most popular girls in school. Everyone fell over themselves when they were around you. You're telling me you never noticed? Right, of course you didn't, why would you ever notice anyone beneath you?" What's wrong with you? Why are you attacking her? She was the only one who never ignored or teased you.

"Um, I have no idea what you're talking about," Jennie started defensively. "But you have no right to pass judgment on me back then, because according to you we never crossed paths so as far as I know you never even knew me!" Jennie immediately regretted what she said when she saw the look on Jisoo's face.

Jisoo felt like she was kicked in the gut. "You're right, I didn't," she said softly. "I gotta go." She abruptly stood up and left, ignoring Jennie's pleas and apologies.

God, I'm such a fool.

Take Two | jensooWhere stories live. Discover now