Chapter Nine

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Despite what Lisa says, Jisoo was a very organized person. Her DVDs were alphabetized, her video files were categorized, and all her clothes were color-coded. So when Lisa and Rosé walked through her apartment finding clothes strewn all over the place and no Jisoo in sight, they knew something was wrong.

"Jisoo?" Lisa called cautiously.

"In here!" Her voice was distant.

"In where?"

"My room!"

Lisa and Rosé maneuvered their way past a pile of shirts but Lisa almost lost her footing when she passed a mound of sweaters. When she tripped over a stray sneaker she stopped before she caused herself injury. They finally found their way into the bedroom but still couldn't find Jisoo.


"Polo!" Jisoo was in her closet.

"Oh the irony," Lisa commented but was rewarded with a shirt thrown in her face. "Are you having a charity drive?"

"Huh?" Jisoo continued to toss clothing aside, distracted. She was wrapped in a towel, hair still wet from the shower.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Jisoo stood up and pushed shirts aside hanging from a rack. "Looking for my lucky shirt." Did my closet eat it?

Rosé laughed. "You have a lucky shirt?"

Jisoo ignored her and continued to look. "I know it's here somewhere, I just can't find it."

Rosé cleared some clothes off the bed and sat on it while Lisa made her way to the closet. "Maybe because it's like Narnia in there," she pushed some more clothes aside. "Jeez, Jisoo, this closet is bigger than your entire apartment."

Jisoo pulled out another pile of clothing and threw it in her room. "Damnit, I really want to wear that tonight." Oh my God, tonight. My date with Jennie. I have to find that damn shirt.

"What's so special about this shirt?" Rosé asked while refolding some of Jisoo's clothes.

It was the shirt I was wearing when I first met Jennie. "It's just my favorite shirt, and I really want to wear it."

"Jisoo, I'm sure Jennie will think you'll look gorgeous with whatever you wear," Lisa told her sincerely. "Really, you should stop worrying." She took her by the shoulders and gently pulled her of the closet.

"I know, it's just this isn't just another date. It's Jennie. I've only been dreaming about this for six years." Jisoo sighed and sat down on her bed. Lisa and Rosé sat on each side of her. "I mean, I just want it to be perfect so she'll see how I am now, you know?" Jisoo hated being this vulnerable in front of her friends. She was always the toughest out of the three of them.

"Jisoo, it's pretty obvious that Jennie likes you. I mean, she gets all googly-eyed when she sees you."

Jisoo smiled at the thought because she couldn't picture Jennie getting googly-eyed at her.

"And," Rosé added. "She asks about you all the time when we're working."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, really. It's kind of annoying really." Jisoo slapped her playfully. "I'm just kidding. So here," she pulled out a nice purple long-sleeved shirt and held it out to her. "Wear this, Jennie will probably fall over from your hotness."

"And this," Lisa grabbed a pair of skinny jeans and handed them to Jisoo. "This will accentuate your legs and hot ass."

Jisoo rolled her eyes at her friends but took the offered clothes. "Thanks, what would I do without you two?"

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