All she wants to do is be a great mother to Blue and expand her businesses. Blue is now 6 years old and she's in first grade. She looks so much like Beyoncé. She has long, thick natural hair, naturally arched eyebrows, light caramel complexion, chocolate brown eyes, heart warming smile like her mommy, and gorgeous full lips thanks to her father. Beyoncé is very involved in everything that Blue does. She's at every dance recital, parent/teacher conference, fundraising event, she even hosts Blue's annual Halloween sleepover. She loved nothing more than being a mother..


*cell phone starts ringing*

Beyoncé: *answers* Uh hello?

Angie: Girl are you gonna come open this door or am I gonna have to kick this motherfucka down?

Beyoncé: Bitch, you're here? At my house? In Houston?

Angie: Stop asking all these questions and open the door. *hangs up*

Beyoncé races over to the front door, throwing it open, and giving her cousin a huge hug.

Angie: Damn B, can a bitch breathe?

Beyoncé: I'm sorry Ang, I just miss yo crazy ass so much. But come in! How long are you here for?

Angie: Only for a few days. You know that Parkwood cannot function without supervision girl.

Beyoncé: *chuckles* Yeah, you're right. Did you get a hotel for your stay? If so, I'm calling and canceling it. You're staying with me.

Angie: Of course I did, but I wouldn't mind staying here with my favorite cousin and favorite baby cousin.

Beyoncé: Yayyyyyyyyyy! *starts jumping up and down*

Angie: You are so extra, but I really have something I want to tell you.

They both head back to the living room and and sit on the couch.

Beyoncé: So what's up?

Angie: Soooooo me and Chad are expecting our first child!

Beyoncé: OMGOMGOMG! Are you serious that is so great. I'm so happy for you. How far along are you?

Angie: I'm 3 months. And girl Chad is so excited.

Beyoncé: Wait, what about Parkwood? Angie I do not want you working during your pregnancy. You should be able to spend this time with your husband. You're not working.

Angie: So, who's gonna run Parkwood? I know you're not gonna call your dad. B, you can always go back and run your own company. Don't nobody know Parkwood better than you do.

Beyoncé: *starts crying* I can't go back to New York, you know I can't. Jay, the paparazzi.. It brings back so many bad memories. I just-

Angie: I know B, I know. But you can't run forever. You have to do something. When is the last time you've even seen or spoke to Jay?

Beyoncé: Ummmm about 2 years ago?

Angie: Y'all have a child together and y'all don't even speak. I'm not saying that you should take him back but the least you could do is sit and have a face to face conversation with the man.

Beyoncé: *starts to get angry* And say what Angie?! Say what!? I have nothing but hate-filled words for his ass. How could he do that shit to me? What the fuck did I do to deserve that shit? You know I gave that man every fucking thing. I gave him everything! While I'm taking care of our daughter he out wining and dining bitches. I don't have shit to say to him! *starts crying really hard*

Angie just sits there and holds Beyoncé. The tears were falling uncontrollably and her breathing was short and uneven.

Angie: Calm down baby girl. Just breathe..

Once Beyoncé got herself together she decided to cancel her meeting and take her cousin out for lunch. They found a table and started to catch up. They talked about everything. Blue, clothes, men, Beyoncé even admitted that she'd date a woman if she found the right one.

Angie: So what are you gonna do?

Beyoncé: About Parkwood?

Angie: Yeah..

Beyoncé: I guess I'll be heading to News York soon..

Angie: Are you gonna tell Jay?

Beyoncé: I don't plan on it but I know as soon as I tell Blue she's gonna call her dad and let him know.

Angie: How do you think Blue will deal with leaving her school and friends?

Beyoncé: She'll be okay. She loves it in New York.

Angie: Okay, but can you do me a favor?

Beyoncé: Angie, please..

Angie: You have to talk to him. You two will be living in the same city, y'all have-

Beyoncé: Are you ready to go? Because I'm ready to go.

Angie: B....

Beyoncé: So how long do you plan on taking your break?

Angie: I was thinking that I'll leave when I'm 6 months and I'll come back 3 month after the baby is born.

Beyoncé: No, your last day will be sometime next month and you won't have to come back until at least 6 months after the baby is born. Take off as long as you need. I really want you to take it easy and enjoy your pregnancy. Being pregnant with Blue brought me some of my happiest memories and I want you to be able to experience that.

Angie: Are you sure? That's a whole year you'll have to be in New York.

Beyoncé: Yeah, I'll manage. Don't worry about me.

Angie: Well thanks cousin, I really appreciate you.

Beyoncé: Anything for my favorite cousin.


Okay, I'm new at this. Please tell me what you think and leave comments.

I'd really appreciate it. (((((: thanks!

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