Chapter 3

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Jay: Beyoncé I know that you hate me but do not hang up!

Bey: SHAWN?!

Jay: Why didn't you tell me that you and my daughter were moving back to New York?

Bey: Now why the fuck would I do that? Didn't your daughter tell you? Why are you even speaking to me?

Jay: Beyoncé, I'm really tired of this bullshit. We have a fucking child together and you won't even communicate with me! I understand-

Bey: *starts crying* You don't understand shit! Go to hell Shawn! *hangs up*



It's been a few weeks since Bey's phone conversation with Shawn. After 3 years you'd think that Bey would be over it but she's still shedding tears over this man. She was still angry. Why?


Jay and Bey just had mind blowing sex because Jay was about to go on tour for a few months and she wanted to give him a little something to remember. Everything was going well until Jay told her that he had to run to his office for a few hours. Bey was a little disappointed because this was his last night in town but she let him go and thought nothing of it.

Jay left and it was around 8pm. Bey decided to take a shower and clean off all of the bodily fluids that they shared during their sexcapade. After about 20 minutes she was done and as she wrapped herself in her towel she heard her phone ring, so she thought. Hoping it was Jay, she hurried to her night stand and realized that it wasn't her phone. It was Jay's. The phone stopped ringing and it said missed call from "Kay". Bey trusted Jay and never felt the need to go through his phone or never suspected that he was being unfaithful but for some reason she was extremely curious as of who this "Kay" person was. Knowing his password, she unlocked his phone and went to his text messages. Of course she wasn't going to call the number back, that would be too obvious. She found Kay's text thread and began reading..

*The text message thread*

Kay: Baby what time are we boarding the plane in the am?

Jay: I'll be at your place around 6am.

Kay: Okay, I packed a bunch of sexy lingerie😏 I'm happy that you're letting me go on tour with you. You're finally giving me the attention that I deserve.

Jay: You're only coming for a week. I can't risk us getting caught. You know I love you but you also know that I'm not willing to give up my family.

Kay: Blah, Blah, Blah.. Can you come see me tonight? I need that gangster shit.

Jay: Kay you know I'm spending today with Bey and Blue. You'll have me for a whole week.

Kay: *sends nude* you know you miss this. Just come give me a little taste daddy.

Jay: What am I gonna do with you? 😏 I can only stay for a few hours though. The wife gone trip.

Kay: Time?

Jay: naked when I get there

Kay: K daddy. 😝

*end of conversation*

Bey is sitting in her bed in disbelief. She's crying, panting, and gasping for air. She has a history of having these panic attacks.

*Bey's thoughts*

Did this nigga just leave to have sex with another woman after I just gave him my all? He is taking her on tour with him? Am I not good enough?!

*end of her thoughts*

Start Over (Jayoncé Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora