Chapter 14

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Hey it's an update. Hope you have fun reading! Xxx your auhtor.


The younger one blushed at the compliment or whatever you would call that statement.

"Mark I really don't need another date to make sure I want to date you, I've known for weeks"

Yukhei said looking at him still smiling.

Well, what could Mark possibly respond to that. "Oh" was all that Mark said back shyly.

Yukhei chuckled "So Mark Lee do you want to be my boyfriend?" he asks.

"Yes, if that hadn't been clear yet" Mark says face as red as a tomato by now. "It was it's just cute seeing you being all embarrassed" Yukhei responds teasingly and Mark just pouts at hearing those words.

Mark grins a sly smirk making its way onto his face when he stands up walks over to Yukhei and places himself in his lap. "What are you doing" Yukhei asks shocked by Marks sudden actions.

"Nothing" Mars answers as he slowly gets closer. He looks into Yukhei's eyes making sure his focus is onto his face.

So he can move his hands over his body to start a tickle war.

At the sound of their parents laughing two little heads peek out from Ash's bedroom door to watch what is going on before running into the living room to join Mark.

Before Mei and Yukhei leave to go home, Yukhei pulls Mark behind the wall -out of the sight of the kids, or so he thought- to give Mark a kiss.

During a peaceful ride in the car, Mei decided to ask "Daddy why did you kiss Mark?". "What" Yukhei blurted out trying to not crash the car from his shock of the question.

"I and Ash say your and Ash's daddy's shadow and you were kissing". God they were smart,

Yukhei knew he had a lot to tell her when they got home.


It took Yukhei a while till he had been able to answer all the of his daughter's questions. Like how do you explain the concept of liking someone, dating, and love to a four-year-old? But he did his best and she was now happily sitting on the couch watching Dora the Explorer.

Yukhei grabbed his phone and sat down next to her on the couch, which resulted in Mei immediately crawling into his lap -together with her blanket and Dora plushie-, snuggling into his chest in the search of his body heat.

Yukhei started texting Mark aka his now boyfriend, he still couldn't quite believe that. "I don't know if Ash told you yet but they saw us kissing through a shadow, a shadow Mark I swear, how do they even know how that works"

It took only a couple minutes before he got a message back: "Yes he did, he tried to tell mom while face timing her, I just confiscated the phone in time".

Yukhei lets out a chuckle. He starts typing another message but Mark beats him to it.

"Conspiracy theory two: Taeyong is teaching our kids to be spies." and that makes Yukhei laugh out loud. "Daddy shhh Dora is talking" Mei tells him while putting her hand over his mouth.

"Dora doesn't rule this household" he tells Mei before responding to Mark.

"Drug dealing spies, I don't know whether to be concerned or proud" Yukhei sends back.

"Probably both" is Mark's reaction.


A couple of weeks go by like that: they text, come over to each other's homes and even went

on a few dates. leaving the kids with Yuta and Winwin who had no problem babysitting their favorite - and only, not that that had any influence on it - niece.

It reminds Yukhei of the day after he and Mark started dating and he brought Mei with him to work.

The girl hadn't stepped one foot inside of the cafe and decided that that was a great moment to shout "Uncle Johnny daddy has a boyfriend!". Johnny had sarcastically responded with "Well I wonder who that is".

"It's Mark" Mei had replied very casually. Yuta had then joined their conversation saying

"Well if you and Mark ever need time for yourselves to.." Yukhei didn't give him any chance to finish his sentence. "Yuta there are children here".


Mark and Ash are at his parent's house just having a nice family dinner or that's what it was until his mom decided to ruin the mood by asking. 'So Mark when were you going to tells us that you had a boyfriend?"

While Mark was choking food his dad confusedly spoke: "But he already had one right, that tall dude?". "No honey that was what they were going to be" his mom says. "So they aren't boyfriends yet?" his dad asked again still not understanding the situation.

"A little bird told me they were" his mom says while looking at Ash who is to invested in his chicken nuggets to care what was happening.

Mark wished Ash uses his voice to help him out of situations like this instead of getting him into it.

"We are" Mark tries to say as casual as he possibly can. However, his mom is having none of that. "Omg congratulations sweetie" she says as she stands up to give Mark a hug. It makes Mark want to hide under the table.

"When are you bringing him over to meet us?" his dad asks. "Honey we did already meet the guy and his daughter, please invite her to she is too cute" his mom adds.

"But we have to official meet him as Mark's boyfriend so, I can threaten to kill him if he mistreats him" his dad says.

"Well to celebrate this good news we're getting ice cream for dessert" his mom says totally happy for her son. Ash awakes at that "Ice cream?" he says.

"Yes Ashie, ice cream because your dad has a boyfriend" his dad tells his son. "Then he can get one more often" his son states which causes them all to laugh.


That night in a random house in the city.

"I think it's accomplished"


"Mission Markhei, they've been acting differently"

"Taeyong, please it's 3 am"


Hello people, who is exited for the awkward dinner? My school scedule has changed meaning that monday will probably be my new updating day. For all the people who are also reading A Pirates Life For Me: i'm halfway with that chapter so it should be up soon. Xxx your author.

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