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Hello everyone, I'm sorry this took more than half a year to write. I'll be surprised if there will be even people who'll read this haha. The main reason it took so long was my struggle with the wedding vows. Now I need to tell you this epilogue is far from perfect -I'm sorry if the ending comes across as rushed- but I tried my best and I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer. Have fun reading!


four years later

The doors slowly opened and Mark saw everybody turning their heads to look at him. He had expected that to happen but that didn't mean it didn't make him uncomfortable. It resulted in a blush on his cheeks and his father letting out a soft pained noise because he gripped his arm so tightly. Mark's glad his dad's with him because if he wasn't he's one hundred percent sure he would have sprinted down the aisle. Not because he wants to get married that bad, although that would definitely not be a bad thing but mainly because he can look at Yukhei which will make him forget that there are loads of people looking at him, watching every move he makes.


"Guys, can you come over here for a second?" Yukhei says. Ash instantly comes running towards him, stumbling over his own feet making Yukhei have to do one of those 'dad saves' to not have him collapse into the kitchen counter. "Mei stop watching Dora and come here please, you're too old for that anyways" Yukhei says to his now seven-year-old daughter. "I'm not, uncle Yuta watches it all the time" Mei argues while walking towards them. "He doesn't he watches it with you because you are watching it." Yukhei explains. Mei lets out an annoyed noise while joining Ash and Yukhei in the kitchen.

"So, you guys know your dad and I have been dating for a few years now right?" Yukhei asks the kids. Earning himself a "Yes!" from Mei and a nod from Ash. "Okay well what do people who have been dating for a while next?" he asks to the seven-year-old. "Ehm, getting babies?" Ash says questioningly. "No, that's not what I mean it's something else.." Yukhei tells them. "But didn't you have us?" Mei aks. "Well yes but that was before we were dating" Yukhei says not managing to confuse the kids any less. "When you're a little bit older we'll talk about that but now I still need a correct answer" Yukhei says trying to get the competitive spirit back. "Kissing?" Mei aks. "They already do that silly" Ash says and Yukhei can't stop the giggle coming out of his mouth. "Let me give you guys a hint okay? Last summer we had a party because grandma and grandpa had an anniversary of something what was it?" the tall man says as he tries to steer his kids in the right direction. "Because they were married super long" Ash says spreading his arms to empathize how long it was, almost smacking his dad in the process. "ARE YOU AND DAD GETTING MARRIED?" Mei shouts happily. "No not yet, I need to ask your dad first" Yukhei explains. "Why don't you just ask him then?" Ash asks not understanding that that's not a casual question. "It has to be romantic of course" Mei answers. "So I was planning on surprising your dad" Yukhei starts earning approving squeals from Mei and a not caring shrug from Ash. "When he comes home from work today, you guys need to blindfold him and bring him to the living room okay?". The kids nod. "And under no circumstances, you can tell him anything, it's our secret" Yukhei tells them trying to look intimidating because he really can't have them spoil it.

The rest of the afternoon is made up of the preparations. Mei isn't letting anyone stop working until the living room is decorated as pretty and romantic as it could be. Yukhei goes to changes while Mei and Ash put their shoes away. ("We don't want your dad to trip in the hallway now do we") "Do I look handsome?" Yukhei asks a black suit on and his hair styled nicely. Ash starts to laugh while may says "You look okay" which honestly isn't really good for his nerves. Mei suddenly halts and shrieks as if she suddenly remembers something "Do you have a ring?". "Of course" Yukhei answers showing her. "Oh my gosh it's so pretty, I want one to" Mei exclaims. "Maybe someday" Yukhei says, kissing her on the head. "Where is the ring for?" Ash asks still confused why you would need a ring when you're just asking somebody a question. Yukhei just laughs and Mei starts to sassily educate her brother.

DADDIES - a lumark/markhei ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang