Chapter 13

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Hey everyone, i'm sorry this is kind of late, i had a holiday and we had commemoriation and liberation day (i live in Holland) so it took a bit longer. Again to me this a chapter feels quite boring but i hope you all have fun reading it! Xxx your author.


"What do we have here, Mark Lee being even later than me" Yukhei says when he sees Mark walking towards the classroom, where all of the parents are waiting for the class to end.

"It was your fault I was late for work last week so it's also your fault they're punishing me for it by letting me stay longer" Mark explains with a smile on his face. He wasn't mad those kisses were totally worth it.

They talk about random things -ignoring the judgemental stares of other parents- until the door opens and a group of kids storms out. It doesn't take long until they have two screaming kids at their feet demanding a playdate.

Mark and Yukhei agree not for their kids but mainly for themselves. "So do you also want to come over, we could hang out or something?" Mark asks Yukhei after the kids said they wanted to go to Ash's house.

"Yeah fine, we have some stuff to talk about anyways" Yukhei responds. "What stuff" Ash asks. "Grown up stuff" Mark answers before the situation escalates.

As they walk back they here Taeyong screaming "Have fun on your playdate" a teasing smirk on his face. "Thank you" Mei shouts back oblivious to the fact that Taeyong's words weren't meant for her.

They arrive at Mark and Ash's place not much later and the kids immediately run off to Ash's room to "Make sure the ninja's don't take over the lego castle".

"So...." Yukhei lets out, the nerves and uneasiness creeping in now that it's just them. He has no idea what Mark wants him to do or what he is expecting of him.

It turns out to be nothing special when Mark tells him to sit down and pick a movie for them to watch.

He picks a random one as Mark joins him on the couch with the hot chocolate he made. He may or may not have put the Yukhei's marshmallows in the form of a heart. (who got the reference to chapter 11 lol)

"It's probably not as good as the ones you make but I tried at least" he says with a shy smile. "Maybe I should teach you it sometime then" Yukhei grins back. "I'd like that and I'm sure Ash would be pleased to" Mark responds with a chuckle. If they only knew it wouldn't be that long until Yukhei could make Ash's hot chocolate himself.


Mark was blaming the movie, the stupid stupid romance movie, for the fact that he felt the need to confess. Confess to Yukhei that he really, super, extremely liked him.

The movie showed a couple confessing their feelings and happily dating, and the main characters looked both so happy. Mark would love to see such a smile on Yukhei's face, caused by him of course.

He had come to terms with his feelings a while ago, which Yukhei had probably guessed by the fact that they went on a date, but Mark knew better than to assume things. Assuming that things were alright had let to his pain in the past.

But Yukhei had seemed to like the date and the two kisses - according to Mark the one in the car doesn't count because of embarrassment- so it would probably go well but that didn't make it any less scary.

Unless he thought it was to fast - which it kind of was - because they only went on one date but at the other hand they had known each other for months now, so Mark wasn't completely sure what to think of it.

If he wanted to know he needed to ask Yukhei and only the thought of that made him scared of the possible outcome.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Yukhei saying "Can you pause the movie, I need to pee". Mark paused it and Yukhei walked out of the living room. When he got back and was seated on the couch again Mark blurted out - fast and loud - "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes" Yukhei answers starting to feel nervous as well, doom scenario's in his head of all the possible questions Mark could ask that he really didn't want to hear.

However, before mark could even answer he was interrupted by the noise of Ash's bedroom door slamming open. Ash and Mei ran towards them. Ash plopped himself down in Mark's lap, looked up at Mark with puppy eyes and said "Daddyyyy" dragging out they. "Yes, bud" was Mark's response.

"Can Mei and I have some candy?" he pleaded. Mark stood up to fetch the kids some lemonade and a lollipop. "Thank you, daddy, I love you" Ash says happily. Sometimes Mark wonders if his son only loves him because he gives him food. Yukhei encourages Mei to thank Mark as well. "Thank you Ash's daddy" she says.

They eat their candy and drink their lemonade as they talk to their parents about the story they made up while playing with the lego.

But Mark can't focus on what they're saying. He loves his son to bits but he can't help feeling annoyed that his moment is ruined. When they'll play again the movie will start and he won't be able to say what he wants to say – what he needs to say – to Yukhei.

"What do you think of that daddy?" he hears Ash ask. "What" Mark mumbles looking helpless, not having followed the conversation they were having. "He thinks it looks great don't you" Yukhei says to help him. "Yes I do" Mark says quickly thanking Yukhei with a look, trying to hide the blush that appears on his face.

"Than we have to finish it fast" Mei says excitedly pulling Ash along by his sleeve back into his room.

"What was that about?" Mark asks. "Something about ninja's saving a princess from the dragon who had locked her up in the castle" Yukhei answers with a laugh.

"So... the movie" Yukhei says moving to grab the tv remote but he's stopped by Mark grabbing his hand.

"No, ehm wait I need to ask you something" Mark spits out. "Oh, yeah" Yukhei says while the nerves start coming back.

"Okay so um, yeah um, euh I like you and I want to know if you want to date me because I want to, or is that too fast because we only went on one date so I understand if you think that's too fast but I don't know it feels right and I just, I'm rambling too much don't i?" Mark blurts out in the fastest sentence he has ever spoken.

"God you're so cute"


Who also can't wait for the next chapter!!!

DADDIES - a lumark/markhei ficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu