"Are you hurt?" His eyes swiped all over my body.

But I didn't have time to worry about myself right now. Instead, I pulled my face out of his hold and jumped upwards.

"I'm fine," I shouted, while already sprinting forward. "Aiko."

The small stones dug into my knees when I knelt next to my sister, but I ignored their sting.

"Are you okay?"

I helped her into a sitting position and grasped her arm; the one Dyson had had in his wolf mouth. Red imprints of his wolf teeth colored her frail skin, but luckily none of them had been sharp enough to pierce the skin and draw blood.

"I'm fine." Aiko coughed through the dust still levitating from the now long gone van.

A strong grip on my ankle suddenly tugged me forward and I turned my head just in time to see Kevin's hand wrapped around my foot. He pulled me forward, however, before I could even come near him, Jared stepped over him. With one quick swing he smashed his fist into the hunter's face. The said guy's head reverted to the side and a second later his hold on my ankle turned limp.

"How dare he put his filthy fingers on you," Jared growled, while staring down at the hunter's now motionless figure.

"Is... Is he..." I couldn't even bring myself to say it.

"He's still alive." Jared spat at him. "You okay, Dyson?"


I glanced in the direction of the Beta, but then quickly snapped my eyes back to Jared. While Dyson was in his human form again, he was now completely naked.


Both Jared and I turned to the sound of the new voice, where we found Conner kneeling next to giant ball of fur several feet behind on the road.

"What—" I couldn't remember any other wolf jumping at the van.

"It's Ortiz," Jared said. "The idiot head-butted the van from the side. But I have to give him that it worked. Conner, take him to the pack hospital."

"You have a hospital here?" I asked.

"Of course." Molly came out of nowhere and grasped my arm before I could even blink. "What do you think we are? Savages?"

With one swift tug she pulled me up to my feet and then did the same for Aiko.

"What were you doing out here?" Jared's still dark eyes pierced through my eyes.

"We..." A big lump formed in my throat, but I forced myself to swallow it. "We went for a walk."

"You—" Jared exploded, but then suddenly spun away from me. "Molly, take Naia and her sister back to the pack house. Dyson, take the hunter scum to the pack prison. No one is to touch him until I return."

With the cold string of orders finished, he marched into the forest and within a few strides disappeared out of my view.

"Jared?" I took a step after him, but Molly's strong grip on my hand prevented me from going anywhere.

"He's pretty pissed right now. Just give him some time to cool off and then you can talk to him. Come, I'll take you and your sister back to the pack house."

"No." I tore my wrist out of her hold and spun around to meet her pair of wide open eyes. "You take Aiko back to the pack house and make sure she isn't hurt. I need to talk to Jared."

Without waiting for her response, I whirled around and stalked off into the direction Jared had disappeared into.

"She finally sounds like a Luna." Molly's whistled words cupped my ears, but I forced myself to ignore them. Later I could think about what they meant.

Blue Moon (Colors of the Moon #1)Where stories live. Discover now