Chapter 9: To Love and Be Loved

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(Third Person Point of View)

When Tendou and Ushijima decided to come back to the spot were the others currently were, Semi was tapping an impatient foot and Shirabu was wearing a constipated face.

Semi scowled. "Where the hell have you been? It's been two fucking hours--"

Semi stopped talking when Shirabu elbowed him, signalling to look in Tendou and Ushijima's direction.

For once, Semi felt joy in his heart.

Tendou and Ushijima's hands were intertwined together, with Tendou sheepishly smiling, and Ushijima silently blushing.

Shirabu, too was at a loss of words. He couldn't put into words what he was currently feeling right now, but he was sure of something. He felt relief that Tendou was starting to become okay again.

Goshiki was squealing, gibberish words coming out from his mouth. "Tendou-san!! Skirfghshib, Tendou-san smiling again, Tendou-san!!"

Reon marveled at the scene in front of him.
Tendou and Ushijima were both happy with each other, as if it has always been that way ever since from the beginning.

Tendou, too felt happy. The unexplainable hope his friends had put in him, made him believe it was possible their feelings were real.

Ushijima, deep inside, was too happy that he wanted for that moment to last forever.

Maybe the word "believe" was their forever.

Goshiki blinked a few times, and finally said,
"Congratulations on your marriage!"

This made Ushijima blush even harder and Tendou mumbling incoherent sounds of
"That won't be happening.... Maybe..."

Shirabu groaned in frustration.
"Oh come on. It's fucking blatantly obvious---"

Shirabu was cut off by a scream.

A monster's scream, to be exact. It was a beast, currently making its way through the woods, about to terrorize the Espeleirian Peninsula.

"We need to do something about that?"
Goshiki said, panicking.

"Everbody get in your battle positions," Tendou eyed everyone seriously. "This would be a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"On three." Ushijima says, starting to run, with everyone following after him.

"Three... Two... One."

Reon practically flew. Screeching as he was blaring his Longsword, defending his teammates from the claws of the fearsome beast. His heavy armor blocking some damage from the beast's attacks as well.

Both Semi and Goshiki were up in the trees, Goshiki inflicting as much damage as he can using his bow and arrow. Semi was using an Assault Rifle, planting bullets in what he knows the most vital part of the beast's body.

Shirabu was on Ushijima's left, powering up Reon, and both Semi and Goshiki's attacks, while simultaenously casting a full-round lullaby around the beast's position, in an attempt to make it weaker. It was exhausting, but Shirabu was pumped-up, especially Tendou was beginning to show his enthusiasm once again.

Ushijima was aiding Reon, slashing his Claymore in an attempt to slice the beast's head, before the beast's resistance became terribly chaotic.

Tendou was on Ushijima's right. His incantations powering up Ushijima, while simultaneously casting a huge circular barrier in order to prevent the beast from going anywhere.

It was not long after Ushijima's blade finally made it through the beast's neck.

"We did it??" Reon blinked, dumbfounded that they were able to defeat a monster of that level.

However, Tendou was still panicking.
"Shit! Fall back, it's not--"

Tendou's words were cut by the beast's ear-piercing scream, as another three heads sprouted from its previously headless neck.

"Fuck," Tendou cursed. "I knew it was a motherfucking hydra. You're going down, bitch!"

The hydra's three angry heads were spinning in all directions. Ushijima was still in mid-air. At this point, if one of the hydra's heads manage to chop his head off, he'll be gone for good.

Tendou was mumbling all sorts of curses as he put down a spell book. "Shit shit shit this better work or I'll kill myself if Ushijima dies."

"Antallagí Sómatos."

In an instant, Ushijima and Tendou's places were switched. Ushijima was now safe on land, while Tendou was the one teleported into mid-air, facing the hydra.

Ushijima stared incredulously, almost cursing. "Satori what the actual fu--"

Tendou waved his hand as he snapped his fingers.

"Cor tuum in igne."

A fireball formed on top of Tendou's palms, as he focused it on the hydra's heart.

He shouted, "ShiraBangs, some help would be appreciated right now?!"

That was the cue for everyone to snap back into reality. While everyone else was still recovering from Tendou's teleportation spell, Shirabu pulled out a harp and sang an incantation.

"Vetry iz chetyrekh regionov,
Sdelay ogon' yarche
Dostatochno vzyat'
Zhizn' ot etogo zverya."

The fireball from Tendou's hand became a fiery meteorite, getting bigger, causing Tendou to have some first-degree burns as well. Tendou didn't care. He was more worried about his friends than of his own life.

He flung the fire directly through the hydra's heart, screaming "PIERCE!!!!", his hand now suffering from second-degree burns.

In the blink of an eye, the hydra's body was consumed in flames, as it let out a horribly annoying screech. Tendou fell back from his position, while keeping the barrier on, as to not set the whole woods on fire. Shirabu aiding him with this as well.

After some antagonizing minutes watching the hydra turn to ashes, Shirabu and Tendou dropped down on the ground, sweating as hell.

"That was fucking exhausting."
Shirabu groaned as he shut his eyes, pools of sweat flowing from them.

"I almost died there."
Tendou laughed heartily, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Ushijima clicked his tongue in annoyance and frowned at Tendou.

Tendou gasped. "You're angry at me? Why?"

"Dear lord." Ushijima held his head. "I don't know what would I do if you died. I might have killed myself. Please don't do that again."

"Ehh," A light blush creeping on Tendou's cheeks. "I... Thought of the same thing, you know. I would've killed myself than seeing you die in front of me."

Semi let out an awkward cough. "What are we, the homosexual supporting cast?" But Shirabu cut him off by sending him a 'shut-the-fuck-up-and-just-listen' look.

Ushijima sighed heavily. "But that's not for you to decide. Starting now, I am giving you two orders. And you need to live in order to abide by them."

Tendou sat up abruptly. "Eh? Should I make rations for you every morning? Should I clean your sword every day? Should I be your delivery guy? What the heck--"

Ushijima couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to protect Tendou. He wanted to be there for him.

He wanted Tendou to feel happy and loved.

Ushijima suddenly kissed Tendou's forehead.
"Two simple tasks. To love, and be loved by me."

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