Chaeyoung pursed her lips as she turned down the hall. She took a deep breath before responding. "Are you trying to apologize because you're failing at it?" Chaeyoung walked into the ER and turned to face Lisa, waiting for her answer.

"Not apologizing," Lisa stated. "Just letting you know I didn't mean to offend you."

Chaeyoung shoved her hands into the pockets of her lab coat. "Isn't your official start date tomorrow? You should go and enjoy the downtime."

Lisa smirked. "Trying to get rid of me?"

Chaeyoung nodded sharply. "Yes." Before she could say anything else, her pager went off. She brushed past Lisa, making her way outside to the ambulance bay where Minhyuk was standing. "What do we have?" She asked as she pulled gloves onto her hands.

"GSW to the chest." Minhyuk glanced over at Chaeyoung. "Heard you had a run-in with the Ace."

Chaeyoung frowned. "The Ace?"

"Lisa Manoban," Minhyuk clarified. "She's a tough one from what I've heard."

"Why'd she even transfer?" Chaeyoung huffed.

"Personal matter," Minhyuk answered. "I just don't know the details. That's all the Chief would divulge. I doubt he even knows the details." The ambulance arrived, halting their conversation but Chaeyoung couldn't deny being curious about Lisa Manoban.

Chaeyoung had just finished stabilizing the gunshot wound patient and was now heading back to the ER. When she entered the room, she was surprised(and agitated) to see that Lisa was still there. The other blonde was currently sitting on a stool as she sutured a wound on a little boy's leg. He had to be no more than seven. Chaeyoung leaned against the front desk and watched Lisa in action.

"You're being really brave," Lisa said, gently as she kept her attention on the stitches.

The boy sniffed a bit before responding. "Will the string be in my leg forever?"

Lisa smiled and finished the last stitch before cutting the end off. "No, it'll disappear like magic," she replied as she looked up at him.

The boy's eyes widened. "It will?"

Lisa nodded. "You probably won't even notice it. It won't hurt at all." Lisa saw the bear the boy was holding and noticed the stuffing coming from its arm. "Think your buddy needs stitches as well?"

The boy smiled and nodded his head frantically. "His arm got caught in the car door," the boy explained.

"I can fix him right up for you."

Chaeyoung watched in amusement as Lisa stitched up the bear. She found herself smiling and quickly made herself stop. Lisa was a jerk. She wouldn't get drawn in because of one kind act.

Dara entered the ER and made her way over to Chaeyoung. "Hey, have you spoken to Doctor Manoban, much?"

"Nope, been busy," Chaeyoung replied. "Hey, do you know why she transferred?"

"Change of atmosphere." Dara looked over at the doctor and smiled. "You two should get along fantastically."

Chaeyoung narrowed her eyes at her mother. "No, don't do that."

Dara looked at Chaeyoung innocently. "Don't do what?" Chaeng raised her eyebrows as she gave her mother a look that said, "you know what I'm talking about."

"Stay out of my personal life," Chaeyoung warned. "Jisoo and Seulgi are enough. I don't need you on my case too."

Dara sighed. "Fine, but your father agrees that you need to get back out there. There's more to life than work."

Everything You Are (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now