Ch3. The Lair?

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Ack hello. My name is Worm.
Btw sorry for starting all my chapters like that. I just wanna make sure people know my name.
(Y/n)- Your name
(L/n)- Last name
(W/o/c)- Weapon of choice

The next day had come and (Y/n) was up bright and early ready to start the day.

Today was the day she, Leo and his brothers would meet up to spend the day together.

(Your p.o.v.)

I had decided that getting up early would be the best idea to fit a couple of things into my schedule before meeting with Leo.

A part of that schedule included sitting at my desk and mapping out my next patrol route.

I had started to mark and circle on the map where I would be stationing myself to cover as much as ground as possible.

A couple of minutes have passed and I had completed my map and rolled it up.

All there was left to do now was wait for a text from Leo and then go meet up with him.

Now I that I mention Leo, I realized how happy he has made me. It's kinda nice having someone to talk to every one and a while. Especially when it's not Casey Jones.

I'm glad Leonardo is around for me interact with. He's a very good friend for sticking around with my boring self.

After a few minutes my phone had lit up signaling I had a text.

I grabbed my phone quickly and took a look at who sent the text.

Unfortunately, it wasn't Leo.

It was the one and only Casey Jones.

Casey- What's up Angel? Wanna hang out?

You- No Casey. I have plans.

I put down my phone a bit disappointed that Leo still hasn't texted me yet.

After a few seconds I get another text.

To make sure it wasn't Casey I picked it up and looked. It was Leo!

Leo- Hey sorry for taking to long to text you. I was training. But me and my brothers can hang out with you now. Meet us at (insert address here).

You- oh that's ok. It's no big deal. But I'll head over right now. See you in a bit.

I sent the text and grabbed my backpack that would have everything I needed just in case of a emergency.

I exited my apartment building and begun to walk down to the address Leo had given me.

After a few moments of walking I arrived at the address.

As I stopped to look around I was utterly confused.

The address didn't lead to any buildings where someone would stay and from what I could see, no one was on the rooftops.

I looked around once more and peered down a nearby alley way.


Not a mutant turtle in sight.

Curiosity consumed me and I began to walk down the alley way to get a closer look.

I got to the middle of the alley way and still didn't see anyone. Maybe I'm at the wrong address.

After double checking my phone to make sure I was at the address, I gave up.

Maybe Leo set me up. But he wouldn't do that, would he?

After waiting around for a few minutes I gave up and started to walk out of the alley.

Heart Of A Leader (Leonardo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now