When you ask them who they like...

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You couldn't hold it in your heart anymore... you had to tell him that you liked... no... loved him. But... what if he liked someone else... what if he didn't like you back... what if he already had a girlfriend you didn't know about... what if...

No! Before you confess you will ask him who he likes...

Natsuki: Huh? *smiles widely* I love Piyo-chan! *you face-palm* I meant a real person. Who do you like?  Ohhh... You of course! *you blush* I... I like you too...

Tokiya: As an idol, I shouldn't allow feelings to disrupt my work... *you pout cutely though you were dying inside* But Tokiya... there must be someone you love or at least like... *tiny dust of blush lines his cheeks* Yeah... you... *he mumbles quietly but you heard him loud and clear* I love you too...

Cecil: *wonders for a moment* I like... *you wait for his answer* ...everybody. *smiles genuinely* I love my family,  friends, fans... *speaks quietly* ...but I love you the most... *you hug him tightly* Me too...

Ren: *smirks* Somebody is jealous~ *you blush madly* No... *suddenly becomes serious* Forget it. I love you, nobody else. I thought my heart belonged to every girl but it turns out it's only you... *hugs you close*

Otoya: *blushes* I... I... *you sigh audibly knowing this will go nowhere* I love you, 'k?  *blushes more deeply* I have always loved you too, (Y/N)...

Syo: Nani?! Why would you want to know that? *you roll your eyes* Maybe because I love you... Nani?! Are you serious?! I... love you too! Stop shouting so much Syo...

Masato: *looks at you weirdly* I don't have time to love anyone... *tears start spilling out of your eyes and start to walk away* ...except you... *you turn around hastily* Huh?  *smiles at you* I love you, (Y/N).

Reiji: *blinks repeatedly and then laughs loudly* I am serious?! What do you think, (Y/N)-chan? There is nobody else except you who I like as more than friends~ *you smile as he brings you in close to him*

Ranmaru: *blush dusts his face... a very rare event* What kind of question is that? *you are about to respond but he interrupts you* Jeez... I love you woman... *he tucks your head underneath his head so you don't see his red face*

Ai: *blank face as usual* What is love? *you mentally face-palm* It's when you feel happy because the other person is happy... you feel the need to protect them, care for them... So basically what I feel for you. Is it love? *you blush at his straight-forwardness* W-Who knows???

Camus: *replies immediately* I love my Queen... I am loyal to her. *you feel your heart breaking into pieces* But if you mean who I love as in I want to spend the rest of my life with... then... I imagine it is... you♥ *he smiles genuinely and kisses on your forehead*


Before you decide to kill me... let me explain... I know I promised many readers here and on other websites as well that I would do their scenario... but guess what? I don't have the list in order of the scenarios, it's on my laptop (which I don't have right now)... therefore I am honestly just guessing possible scenarios when writing this and I can't properly dedicate it to the person who suggested it... Sorry!

I am so unorganized right now. I want to apologize to readers who I promised to do their scenario asap. I will properly dedicate and do the scenarios in order in around a week.


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