“I highly doubt that, Styles. Just because you’re the oldest vampire to walk this Earth doesn’t mean you’re stronger with resisting your thirst. If anything, it probably means that you need more blood to sustain you,” Marcus said, and nudged my now bleeding hand with the tip of his shoe.

I grunted faintly in response. Everything was bright around me, and very vivid. My throat was tightening due to the thirst; I don’t think I’ve ever craved blood more in my life. I was starting to hear things around me, multiple people getting closer to our location. My mind was starting to play tricks on me, I’m sure. Justin, Louis, and Zayn couldn’t be here because they had to protect Emma and get her away. They were smart and they got her out of here and decided to leave me. I’m a lost cause as of right now.

“Well, it looks like we have some company, Styles,” Marcus said from above me, and I saw him look forward, his back now to me. “I see that you three decided to come in and save the day, huh? But I think it’d be much better if you died alongside your mate and creator.”

I turned my head again to look past Marcus to see if he was right, and that my brain wasn’t playing tricks on me. Justin, Louis, and Zayn were all standing ten feet away from us. They looked strong and determined, but once one of those bullets hit them they’ll end up dying just like me. I couldn’t let that happen.

The gun cocked, a new bullet settling into the chamber so that it was ready to be aimed and fired. It was the last one, but I knew without a doubt that Marcus had backups on him. He was prepared; however, he most likely wasn’t expecting what happened next.

Without much thinking, I used all of the strength I had and threw my body against his legs, knocking him onto the ground and temporarily off guard. The bullet he fired in the general direction of the others hit a tree, and was lodged there.

I grunted slightly and grabbed the empty gun from Marcus’s hand, then threw it in another direction. He didn’t try to fight me because we both knew that the gun was useless without any bullets. In a human fight, it could’ve been used to knock against the opponents head to confuse them, but to a vampire it would’ve have done any damage at all.

“Leave them out of this,” I said to him through my teeth. It pained me to move even slightly due to how many holes my body was riddled with. “Just kill me, and let them go.”

Marcus laughed, and shoved me away from him before getting to his feet. He brushed himself off and pulled a knife out of his belt. The blade was no doubt made of the same metal that the bullets were made of. Once you were cut with it the wound would bleed the human blood you had used to sustain your thirst until there was nothing left. That was me right now because my wounds had stopped bleeding, as had Damaris’. He was still conscious somehow, and was barely able to lift his head.

“Now where’s the fun in all that?” Marcus asked me, and kicked my side, cracking a few ribs in the process. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could hold on. My vision was already darkening around the edges, and I couldn’t focus on anything around me for too long.

“Let him go,” Louis ordered, and I closed my eyes at the sound of his voice. Surely he can’t be stupid enough to want to fight for my life. I was already dying, and no amount of blood could heal my wounds. Even if Emma took the bleeding out curse off of me, there most likely wasn’t enough blood in my safe, if we got there before it was too late. I’d most likely die on the trip home.

“No, I don’t think I will,” Marcus responded, and grabbed the back of my neck then lifted my head up, and pressed the blade of his knife against my throat. “See, boys, if I push this blade hard enough, it’ll cut his head right off, and no vampire could survive being beheaded. Besides, Styles has already bled out the human blood he last drank because of my witch bullets. It’s too late for him, and if you were smart, you’d just take the witch and leave. I’ve no use to kill all of you just yet, because you’ll get,-“

Possession [H.S] ✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя