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Revised, January 22, 2021

Nagisa's eyes blinked incredulously as a familiar looking man walked into the classroom.

Using his hands, he rubs his eyes in disbelief as if he was seeing an illusion. In which case, he soon realized he was perfectly sane. Right in front of them, next to Koro-sensei stood Karasuma and the person who they had just saved from the riverbanks this morning. The girl beside him—Kayano took quick note of the various bandages wrapped throughout the man's body. Immediately recounting on the conversation she had with the boy in question.

Taking a guess, she reached out to tap her finger on his shoulder. A whisper escaping her lips. "Nagisa!" The boy hummed, his eyes turning to glance at his green haired companion. "Isn't that the guy you told me about? The one in the riverbanks?"

Nagisa's face scrunched up a little, an indicator that she was correct; his head nodding in response. His actions were hesitant, Still in disbelief that the same person from earlier was inside their classroom with them. But before he could continue the conversation, Koro-sensei ushered everyone to quiet down and take their seats. With no resistance, they all did as he ordered with Nagisa staring back at Karma and Sugino every once in a while. Who mind you had the same surprised look on their faces.

With a sigh, Karasuma clears his throat.

"This may be abrupt, but allow me to introduce your new Japanese Literature Teacher."

Stepping forwards, the students couldn't help but stare at the handsome looking man in front of them. His pointed eyes darting across the room in a meticulous manner. Unlike the incident that morning, the man was no longer soaked in water. His hair was dry and he looked rather formal in comparison to their first meeting. Leaving the three boys slack jawed in front of Dazai to see.

"Dazai Osamu. I do apologize since I'm a little late, I was.." he paused, his eyes in particular lingered a bit longer on three boys. "Preoccupied!"

He smiled, albeit jokingly he was bound to have a few questioning looks. Especially from the three who witnessed his attempts this morning. Koro-sensei who was behind him, would simply chuckle. "Nonsense, Dazai-san! We're glad you made it here! I myself am rather excited to see what you have in store for our students this year."

His meager smile rose to form a thin line; his eyes closing to imitate the yellow creature's kindness in front of him. "I see, well I'm glad to know that! In fact I can already see a few promising students here, who knew they would be so knowledgable in first aid!" He jabbed, making the three particular boys flinch at his remark.

Nagisa could've sworn he saw Karma wear a devious look on his face; possibly already scheming of a way to prank the darker haired male as revenge. After all, while their teacher was dry and wet free, the redhead remained in the same damp school uniform throughout the whole morning. The river scent still lingering on the tips of his hair. Nagisa let out a wry chuckle, not wanting to imagine the creative ways that Karma could do to get back at him.

Blinking, Koro-Sensei remained still, his grin still in place, "But of course! An Assassin must be prepared for a numerous amount of things, should they not?" The bandaged man immediately chuckles at this, albeit came rather halfheartedly. Karasuma in the sidelines then made his way to the center of the classroom, immediately commanding everyone's eyes towards him. Dazai took note of this, potentially gaining information for future use.

"Although most of you are already aware this, Dazai-san here is not an ordinary teacher." Karasuma explained, weary of the man behind him. His smiling face was permanently etched on, but he couldn't tell if it was genuine or not. He was well aware of who this man was; notorious for his crimes, but he would've never guessed he'd be here on official government business. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes, a stark contrast to the tone of his voice. For a second, Dazai had realized the similarities between this guy and Ango. Seriously were all government officers like this? "If you have any questions I'm sure he'd be willing to comply."

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