Rena was stuttering, unable to form a coherent sentence before she stood and bowed deeply to Shouta. He waved her off before leaving with a soft 'thank you.'


The first thing Izuku became aware of upon beginning to regain consciousness was the annoying, constant beeping. He could vaguely remember it from his visits to his mother, but he never paid much attention to it. Now, though, it was the only thing he could pick out. Cracking his eyes open ever so slightly, he was blinded momentarily by warm but overbearing light that flooded into the room.

Slowly, he opened them the rest of the way, the light becoming less harsh as they become more accustomed to it. Looking around, he noticed a man with long black hair sitting in the chair across from the bed, reading a book. He froze as he recognized the man as Eraserhead, one of the heroes that actually patrolled his area, before he sat up with some difficulty and stared at the man with stars in his eyes.

Apparently the movement caught his attention, as Eraserhead looked up at him with his own tired and bloodshot eyes, brows raising. "You're finally awake. How're you feeling, kid?"

Oh, Izuku thought he was going to explode from the sheer amount of questions and pent up excitement that rang within his head. "I'm–I'm fine! Thank you!" His face flared into a deep blush as his voice squeaked, though the hero didn't seem to react to it at all.

"Were–were–were, were you the, um, the one to, you know, save me?" Izuku stuttered, nervously fidgeting with his hands, eyes trained on them instead of the man he was addressing. Hearing a hum of confirmation, he moved his gaze to the window where the sunrise was just beginning to paint the clouds. "I, um, I was? I was wondering if, no, no, no, I was wondering how you became a-a hero when you fight quirkless, mister, um, Eraserhead, sir!"

Daring to glance over to him, Izuku's face lit up into a fiercer blush than before when he noticed the distinct spark of curiosity in Eraserhead's eyes. "How do you know me?" He questioned, closing his book and leaning forward to study the kid.

Thoughts raced to and fro in his mind and he was sure that he was getting close to setting something on fire as he covered his face with his arms. "I, I do hero analysis with–with the help of the Imai couple! Misses Imai is amazing at picking out weaknesses, and-and-and mister Imai helps with quirks, but I can do it all by myself for the most part now! You, um, you were the first I did on my own because, because you're, um, uh, you're my favorite!"

Apparently that was the right thing to say, as Eraserhead relaxed ever so slightly, a mostly invisible smile on his lips. He closed his eyes and sank back into the chair. "To answer your questions, yes, I was the one to rescue you, and the only reason I'm a hero is because I moved up from General Education due to the first Sports Festival I took part in."

Izuku smiled, something that could easily outshine the sun, and his vibrant green eyes held an admiration that few had ever seen.

"Go back to sleep, kid."

And he did.


When Izuku woke up again, he saw that Eraserhead had already left, and a nurse was in the room with him to check his vitals. Moving slightly, it pulled her attention to his wide eyes as he stared at her, not knowing how to respond.

"Oh, you're awake again? It's nice to see you up, little one!" Her kind voice was a welcome change to what he'd usually hear from those her age. He shyly waved at her, a soft smile gracing his features. "How are you feeling? Do you have any pain?"

Shaking his head, he looked to his hands for a moment. "I-I-I can't, can't feel my-my quirk, miss," he stuttered, "did, did you or the, um, the doctor give me quirk suppressants?"

The nurse hummed and nodded, her smile never once wavering. "We brought an assistant with an analysis quirk in to get your information, but is it okay if we go ahead and make sure the details are all correct?" Looking to him and seeing a look of fear mixed with discomfort on his face, she quickly spoke again. "If you'd rather wait, then that's perfectly fine, kiddo!"

Izuku shook his head quickly, closing his eyes. "The-the police will have to be, um.. be here for an-an-an interview for my case, right?" The nurse nodded slowly. "May I, may I answer your questions with them in-in-in here so I can get it over with?"

Understanding, she nodded once again, smiling brightly. "Of course, honey bunny! Give me one moment!" Turning to walk out, his raised voice shocked her.

"Wait! Wait, um, I'm-I'm sorry, but, but what's your name, miss?" Red coated his cheeks as he realized that he had been too loud, but she only giggles a little.

Flashing her name tag, she grinned. "I'm Kohana Toma, but feel free to call me Kohana, okay? I'll be your nurse while you're here!"

Stars lit up Izuku's eyes as he nodded feverishly. "Okay, miss-miss Kohana! Thank you!"


hi, sorry it was late, i get wrapped up in a thousand different fics and drawings at once lmao. hope this was satisfactory!

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