"The police were coming though." Chan sighed. "His mom called them, they probably would've arrested me."

"So? She's not 100% innocent either, her ass could go to jail too."

"Yeah, but none of us going to jail is better than both of us."

After he said that, the two of them remained silent.

Changbin took a puff of his cigarette and looked over at the older. He looked like he was thinking hard.

"I'm gonna go get him." Chan finally speaks up.

"I was waiting for you to say that." Changbin chuckled.

"I'll see you later." Chan said. The younger nodded and watched as he entered the room again and left.

"I have to get out of here now, I have to go." Were the only words replaying in Jeongin's head at the moment.

He didn't have many options. There was no way he could go through the front door and he couldn't go though the window because it was secured.

Jeongin sat on the bed and thought about what he could do to escape.

Finally after thinking for a while he came up with something.

It was really late, but his mom was still up in the kitchen doing whatever.

He quietly grabbed a chair from the table and put it near the door of the washroom. Now that was set up, he could begin his escape.

"Ahhh!! Mom come to the washroom quick!!!" Jeongin fake screamed.

He heard his mom walking down the hallway to come see him in the washroom.

"What happened?" She asked.

Jeongin didn't say anything, he grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her into the washroom.

He quickly closed the door and shoved the chair underneath the doorknob.

"Jeongin! What the hell! Let me out of here now!" His mom screamed from inside the washroom.

"No! Now you know how it feels to be trapped in a place you don't wanna be." Jeongin yelled back.

He quickly put on his shoes and started running away, back to the city, back to the hotel where Chan should be.

He ran out of the secluded area and thankfully found himself back on the main street.

He kept running until he saw a cars headlights coming towards him.

The car honked his horn and almost hit him. Jeongin fell the the ground from how sudden it was.

Jeongin saw the car door opening, and to his surprise out came Chan.

"Innie? Baby? What are you doing here?!" Chan said and ran over to him to help him off the ground.

"W-What are you doing here?" Jeongin asked as he grabbed the older's hand.

"I was going to you." Chan replied.

The younger didn't reply and just immediately hugged him.

"I missed you Channie hyung." Jeongin said into his shoulder.

The two backed away and Chan gave him a kiss on the lips. "I missed you too."

Jeongin took a deep breath, then spoke up. "Channie don't be shocked at what I'm about to say, just listen to me."

The older slowly nodded his head and waited for him to continue.

"We need to go to the mafia- gang- whatever they are that wants me dead.

"Jeongin are you crazy-"

"Just listen." Jeongin said and grabbed his hand. "All the money they want and need is in that little house I just ran away from."

"What do you mean??"

"My parents, I'm pretty sure they fucking launder money."

"Holy shit..." Chan breathed out. "How do you know?"

"They're hiding money between the walls and under the mattresses- and I'm sure as hell its not legal. There's got to be at least a couple million in there."

"Oh my God."

"Yeah, I knew they did bad shit, but not like this." Jeongin replied. "That's why that house is so highly secured. That's why my parents came here. No one knows where that house is so that's why my mom kept saying we're safe there. Everything is because of that tiny ass house."

"Okay, and why do we need to talk to the mafia now?!" Chan asked.

"To tell them where that house is so they can take all the money they want and I won't be a target anymore." Jeongin said.

"Wow, really throwing your parents under the bus, huh." Chan laughed.

Jeongin looked at Chan, his face was dead serious.

"I mean, they did it to me so I don't see the problem doing it to them."


i'm so hungry yo 😭

also i didn't proofread i'm gonna be late for school 🤪

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