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"I like you too Seungmin." Jeongin half smiled. "You're a great friend." He said, praying that this isn't going where he thinks it's going.

"No Jeongin, I like like you." He said.

"But, I have a boyfriend..." Jeongin mumbled. He felt really awkward rejecting him.

"Yeah, I know you do. That Chan guy, right?" Seungmin smiled. "It's okay, I wasn't expecting you to accept me anyways. I just wanted to let you know and get it off my chest."


"Well, that's all I had to say. I'll see you tomorrow at school Jeongin." Seungmin said and began walking away.

"Alright. Bye then..." Jeongin waved. He didn't really know what to say. He sighed and watched the older walk away.

Seungmin went to the cafe on his way home. He thought maybe buying a milkshake would enlighten his mood.

"Hey Woojin hyung." He said as he entered the store. "Chocolate milkshake please."

The older nodded and stared making it. Once he was finished, he brought it to Seungmin who was sitting down and sat down in front of him. It was okay because there was no one in the store right now to serve.

"Alright, what's wrong?" Woojin asked.

"What do you mean?" Seungmin mumbled then took a sip of the shake.

"You look so down right now, what happened?"

"Jeongin..." Seungmin sighed. "Jeongin happened."

Woojin tensed up after hearing the younger's name. "What about him?"

"I confessed to him and he rejected me, but it's alright. I'll get over it. We're still friends anyways so who cares." He replied.

Woojin sighed then leaned on the table. "Seungmin can I be honest with you?" He said.

The younger nodded his head and listened to what the older had to say.

"I don't like Jeongin."

"What?" Seungmin said in shock. "Are we talking about the same Jeongin? Yang Jeongin?"

"Yeah." Woojin replied. "He's been pissing me off a lot lately."

Seungmin stayed quiet, he didn't know what to say.

"You know Chan, right?"

"Jeongin's boyfriend?"

Woojin cringed at what he called him. "Yeah."

"What about him?"

"I like him." Woojin said. "You like Jeongin, and I like Chan."

"Hyung I can see where you're going with this and I don't like it." Seungmin folded his arms

"What's wrong with it though? All we have to do is break them up then we'll both be happy."

"Woojin..." Seungmin said.

"Think about it. You'll finally be able to date, who you've liked for so long."

"I'm not sure..."

"This will work. Trust me."

"Jaebum, why are you here and what do you want?" Chan groaned when he sees the older invite himself into his house.

"I'm here because I'm pissed your ass gets to go to Japan and I don't." Jaebum folded his arms.

"I'm going to Japan?" Chan questioned.

"Do you never check your emails? Yes. You're going with Changbin. I don't know why Minho chose you two out of all people." Jaebum rolled his eyes.

"Changbin and I are the only people Minho knows out of the whole company, why is that so surprising." Chan said. "And anyways, why does it matter? It's not for vacation, it's still for work."

"Who cares, I still wanted to go." Jaebum replied.

"Hyung you're going to Japan?" Jeongin asked as he was returning from his conversation outside with Seungmin.

"Looks like it." Chan sighed.

"Are Jisung and Hyunjin going too?" He asked.

"Why would they go?"

"Because Changbin and Minho are going." Jeongin said. "If they go I wanna go too."

"Awh how cute, you three have fun sightseeing while your boyfriends are out killing people." Jaebum said sarcastically.

Jeongin rolled his eyes then faced Chan again. "If they go, can I please come too?"

"Alright, I guess so."

A few hours after Jaebum left, it was already night time and the two of them were in bed getting ready to sleep.

"Hyung does Woojin still talk to you?" Jeongin asked.

"He talks to me occasionally, why?" Chan asked.

"Just wondering- you know, Seungmin confessed to me outside." Jeongin said and lied down on his side so they would be facing each other.

"Confessed to you? Really?" Chan acted surprised, but he already knew Seungmin had a thing for the younger.

"Yeah, don't worry I rejected him." Jeongin said. "Because I love you." He blushed then snuggled into his arms.

"I love you too." Chan replied and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight Innie."

"Night Channie."


ehh this was shit but whatever

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