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"Where were you?"

Changbin heard as he entered his apartment. He walked in and saw a pouting Hyunjin on the couch.

"Just work things." He said and sat beside him.

Hyunjin frowned upon hearing this. He really hates Changbin's job, but he loves him so he tries to ignore it.

Hyunjin sighed and snuggled against his boyfriend but then his phone went off.

It was Seungmin, again.

"Why's he calling you?" Changbin asked, jealousy evident in his tone.

Changbin has never met Seungmin before, but he knew that he had a crush on his Hyunjin.

Seungmin had confessed to him while they were dating. Hyunjin obviously declined. But you can't really blame Seungmin, he didn't know. The two were keeping their relationship a secret at the time.

The younger just ignored it and let it ring. "Don't worry, he doesn't like me anymore. He likes some other kid- who's missing right now."

"A missing kid?"

"Yeah, he called me late last night and earlier today asking me if I knew where this kid was, even though I've never met him in my life." Hyunjin sighed.

"What's his name?"

"Kang Jeongmin? I think. No idea."

Seungmin paced around his room in worry.

It was almost noon and he still hasn't heard anything from Jeongin. He literally called everyone he knew.

Jisung and Felix were on their way.

When they got there they set out to look for the younger.

The three of them decided to go to the cafe they all go to after school and ask the barista they are familiar with if he saw Jeongin around anywhere.

"Hey Woojin hyung." Felix said as they walked in.

"Oh hey guys." The older smiled. "What can I get for you?"

"Actually, we didn't come here to order drinks." Seungmin said.

"Jeongin is missing, we have no idea where he is." Jisung said. "We were wondering if you saw him recently."

Woojin's smile disappeared from his face upon hearing this. "No guys I'm sorry, I haven't seen him around."

"It's okay hyung." Felix sighed.

"We should get going now." Jisung said.

"Okay, come back if you guys need me for anything." Woojin said.

They all nod and turn around to walk out of the cafe.

"What should we do? File a police report for missing person?" Jisung asks.

They were all sitting at a bench in the park, wondering what they should do about the missing youngest.

"No it's too early for that." Seungmin said. "Let's trust in him and wait a little longer."

jaebum hyung

today, 12:02

not going to meet at hq today <
have something to do <

> alright

"Jeongin let's go buy you a new phone." Chan said.

The said male removes his eyes from the tv screen and looks at him. "Really? Why?"

"Because I broke your other one and you need to tell your friends and family you're alright so they won't get worried."

"Can't I just use yours?"

"No." Chan replied. He couldn't risk random people knowing his number.

"Let's go." Chan said grabbing his keys.

Jeongin just nodded and followed. When they got to the garage, the younger's eyes widen in shock upon seeing what car he had.

"I could tell you were rich, but not that rich." He said.

"I'm not that rich, get in." Chan replied while getting in the car.

"Hyung, yes you are, not everyone has a Lamborghini." Jeongin said and proceeded to sit on the passenger side. "Wow, lucky me I got hit by a lambo." He said to himself.

"You're so weird." Chan said with a small laugh.

"So you can laugh." Jeongin said with a wide smile.

What the younger said took him off guard. Did he actually laugh just now? He didn't even notice.

"Guess I can." He mumbled.


I re-read some of my stories and they all have typos that I'm too lazy to fix oof

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