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The next day, Jeongin was in class, looking out the window, completely tuning out the voice of his teacher and daydreaming about Chan.

His daydreaming was disturbed once he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket.

seungmin hyung

today, 10:05

> meet me in the washroom on 2nd floor?
> i gotta tell you something

ok <

Jeongin really doesn't know what Seungmin has to say this time, but he doesn't care. He'd rather be anywhere other than in class right now.

He asked the teacher to leave the class then went down to the second floor.

When he gets to the washroom he sees Seungmin already there leaning against the sink.

"Hey hyung."

"Hi, Jeongin."

"What did you need to tell me?" Jeongin questioned and folded his arms.

"Woojin and I teamed up to try and break you and your boyfriend apart." Seungmin blurted out.

"Wait- What? What the fuck?" Jeongin asked in shock. "I knew about Woojin, but you?!"

"I know and I feel really bad that I helped him. I regret it. I'm never helping him again." The older replied. "But he might try and make a move again. I just wanted to let you know."

"A-Alright then." Was all Jeongin could say. He was kind of shocked him and Seungmin planned something out together, but he was happy the older told him.

"I'm gonna go back to class now." Seungmin said. "See ya later."

"Yeah, see ya..." He mumble with a small wave.

Jeongin sighed. He turned and walked into one of the stalls to actually use the toilet.

He figured to might as well go before he has to sit for another hour in his next class.

After a few moments of him being in the stall, Jeongin hears footsteps and voices of people entering the washroom.

"Ji, this is actually serious,"

"What is it, just tell me."

"Oh, it's Jisung and Hyunjin." Jeongin thought. He was about to leave the stall and go join his friends, but stops once he hears the next thing Hyunjin says.

"Jeongin really can't come to Japan."

"Why?" Jisung replied.

"Changbin told me that Jaebum told him that his parents are there!!" Hyunjin said.

"His parents?!"

"My parents?! Why are there in Japan and why does Jaebum know that?!" Jeongin thought and leaned against the door to hear more.

"Yes his parents, and I doubt Chan has told him anything." Hyunjin replied.

"What the fuck does he need to tell me!!" Jeongin felt like yelling and asking them. This is not the first time hearing that his boyfriend isn't telling him something.

Just then the bell rang. Hyunjin and Jisung continued to talk, but he couldn't hear them because they started walking out of the washroom.

Jeongin leaves the stall, washes his hands then begins walking to his class to grab his stuff and head to his next one. After a bit of thinking. He finally decided.

Once he goes home he is confronting Chan and asking what everyone has been keeping secret from him.

In the car ride home, Jeongin felt like asking Chan so bad, but now wasn't the right time.

Once they pulled up to their driveway, Chan unlocks the door for the younger.

"I have to go straight to work now baby." Chan said. "Just go in. I'll be back in two-three hours."

"Okay, bye." The younger said and quickly pecked his lips before leaving the car and going inside.

Jeongin went upstairs, changed out of his school uniform and into comfy clothes, then just sat on the bed and thought about how he could make Chan tell him the secret, then he had an idea.

By the time Chan came home, Jeongin cleaned the whole house, (there wasn't really much he needed to clean, but he did it anyways) cleaned all of Chan's weapons and made dinner.

"Hmm, this actually tastes really good." Chan said to Jeongin as he took a bite of the fried rice he made

Chan was actually shocked. He didn't know Jeongin was able to cook since he is always doing it for them.

After the older finished all his food, he put his utensil down and looked directly at Jeongin who was sitting across from him.

"Alright, what are you trying to bribe me for?" Chan smirked.

"Shit." "Bribe you? Who says I'm trying to do that? I can't just tidy up a bit and cook dinner for my boyfriend?" Jeongin folded his arms.

"Innie this is the first time you've ever done shit around this house you obviously want something." Chan sighed. "So come on, just tell me, what do you want?"

Jeongin hesitated before speaking, but finally said it. "I want to know what is everyone keeping secret from me. Hyunjin, Changbin, Jisung, you- everybody."

Chan stayed silent, so the younger kept talking.

"Like, today I heard Hyunjin and Jisung in the washroom saying I shouldn't go to Japan cuz my parents are there... Why does it matter if my parents are there or not and how do they even know?!?"

"Please Bang Chan, stop keeping it a secret and tell me."

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, desperately."

Chan sighed then looked straight in the younger's eyes.

"You're a target, Jeongin."


why the fuck are my teachers giving me so many assignments I-

why the fuck are my teachers giving me so many assignments I-

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