Chapter 2

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     "Brooke, come on! We can't be late!" Nina screamed.

     Brooke started running faster. Nina was right, they had to show up at Brandon's house at exactly 4:42 PM. She had an amazing plan for his birthday. Brooke, Nina, John, and Nick would all show up on Brandon's doorstep at the exact time of his birth with cupcakes, presents, and a few movies to watch. After the five best friends were done with the movies, Nina, John, and Nick would all leave so that Brooke and Brandon could have some alone time. After all, it wasn't just Brandon's birthday. It was their five month anniversary.

     Brooke had talked to Diane the night before, and although she was going to be out for the evening, she made sure that Brandon would be home. Butterflies started to form in her stomach. It wasn't the nervous kind of butterflies that you get when you're about to see your crush, but the excited kind you get when you just know that you're just about to have the perfect night with your boyfriend.

     Brooke had been in other relationships before, but none like this. She would spend every minute of every day with Brandon if she could, and the best part was that she knew he felt the same way about her. Every hug was magical, and every kiss made the world stop spinning for just a moment. She was head over heels, and loving every minute of it. After all her friends left them alone, Brooke planned to tell Brandon that she loved him.

     The four friends gathered on Brandon's porch; Brooke holding the cupcakes, Nina holding the movies, and John and Nick holding all the presents. When the clock on her phone struck 4:42, Brooke reached for the doorbell, but was stopped by Nick. "Why don't we just barge into his house? The Pent's don't lock their front door unless they're going to sleep, and this way it will be more of a surprise," Nick offered.

     Brooke grinned from ear to ear. "You're right," she said. She grabbed the handle, turned the knob, and ran into the house with her best friends. "SURPRISE!!!!!!!" they all yelled.

     But the surprise was on them, because when they walked into his living room, they saw Brandon Pent laying horizontally on top of the girl he had just been kissing. Ryliegh Vertes.

     Brandon jumped back so fast that his head spun, but it was too late. Brooke had already dropped the cupcakes and ran out crying, her other friends following her. She sprinted all the way back to her house without looking back, and no one could catch her.

     When her friends finally made it to the Hyland house, Paige opened the door. "I'm really sorry guys, but I don't think Brooke wants to see anyone right now. But I'll tell her you stopped by," Paige said while forcing a smile. The three friends asked Paige to tell her sister that they were terribly sorry, and that they would be there to talk whenever she was ready.

     Upstairs, Brooke was still sobbing while Kelly rubbed her back. "I hate him mom..." she muttered.

     "I know, sweetheart, I know," Kelly soothed.


Authors Note: Let me know what you think so far, and if I should continue with this story!

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